NOTE: Delete drill switch and master box disconnect
switch and supervision of set/unset condition of
master box.
Provide modular type panel installed in a [flush] [surface] mounted steel
cabinet with hinged door and cylinder lock. Mount with panel centerline
1.5 m 5 feet above finished floor elevation. Switches and other controls
shall not be accessible without the use of a key. The control panel shall
be a neat, compact assembly containing all parts and equipment required to
provide specified operating and supervisory functions of the system. Each
control panel component shall be UL listed or FM approved and approved by
the control panel manufacturer for use in the control panel. Panel cabinet
shall be finished on the inside and outside with factory-applied enamel
finish. Provide main annunciator located on the exterior of the cabinet
door or visible through the cabinet door. Provide audible trouble signal.
Provide permanent engraved rigid plastic or metal identification plates, or
silk-screened labels attached to the rear face of the panel viewing window,
for all lamps and switches. Provide one set of Form C dry alarm contacts
per zone, a common system Form C dry alarm contact, and a common system
Form C dry trouble contact. [The set/unset condition of [master box]
[auxiliary transmitter] shall be indicated by the control panel.]
Permanently label all switches. Provide panel with the following switches:
Trouble silencing switch which silences audible trouble signals
(including remote trouble devices, if provided) without
extinguishing trouble indicating lamp(s). For non-self-resetting
type switch, upon correction of the trouble condition, audible
signals will again sound until the switch is returned to its
normal position. For silencing switch of the momentary action,
self-resetting type, the trouble signal circuit shall be
automatically restored to normal upon correction of the trouble
Evacuation alarm silencing switch which when activated will
silence all alarm notification appliances without resetting the
panel, and cause operation of system trouble signals. Subsequent
alarm(s) from additional zone(s) not originally in alarm shall
cause activation of the notification appliances even with the
alarm silencing switch in the "silenced" position.
Individual zone disconnect switches which when operated will
disable only their respective initiating circuit and cause
operation of the system and zone trouble signals.
Reset switch which when activated will restore the system to
normal standby status after the cause of the alarm has been
corrected, and all activated initiating devices reset. Operation
of reset switch shall restore activated smoke detectors to normal
standby status.
Lamp test switch.
Drill switch which will enable test of notification appliances
and restoration to normal without tripping the master box.]
Master box disconnect switch which when activated will disconnect
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