certificate from a service company listed in the UL Fire Prot Dir, under
"Protective Signaling - Local, Auxiliary-Remote Station and Proprietary,"
which includes tests specified in paragraphs entitled "Ground Resistance,"
"Supervisory Features and Trouble Alarm Circuits," "Box and Transmitter
Test," "Signal Transmission and Recording," and "Trouble Line Operation."
Consider the system ready for testing after necessary preliminary tests
have been made and deficiencies have been corrected to the satisfaction of
the equipment manufacturer's technical representative and the Engineering
Field Division Fire Protection Engineer.
Acceptance Testing
Furnish proposed test procedures for approval at least 60 calendar days
prior to commencement of acceptance testing. Perform the tests in the
presence of the [Engineering Field Division Fire Protection Engineer]
[Contracting Officer] or authorized representative under the supervision of
the fire alarm reporting system manufacturer's qualified representative.
Furnish instruments, labor, and materials required for the tests. Arrange
for the technician who supervised the installation to conduct the tests.
Correct deficiencies found and retest the system. Repeat tests specified
in paragraph entitled "Tests During Installation" as directed by the
Engineering Field Division Fire Protection Engineer during final acceptance
Additional Tests
When deficiencies, defects, or malfunctions develop during the tests
required, suspend further testing of the system until proper adjustments,
corrections, or revisions have been made to ensure proper performance of
the system. If these revisions require more than a nominal delay, notify
the Contracting Officer when the additional work has been completed to
arrange a new inspection and test of the exterior fire alarm reporting and
receiving system. Repeat tests required prior to final acceptance, unless
directed otherwise.
Manufacturer's Field Service
Manufacturer's Representative
Furnish the services of a qualified representative or technician of the
system manufacturer, experienced in the installation and operation of the
type of system being provided to supervise testing, including final
testing, and adjustment of the system.
Instruction for Government Personnel
Conduct a training course for operating staff as designated by the
Contracting Officer. The training period shall consist of [3] [_____]
training days, 8 hours per day, and shall start after the system is
functionally complete but prior to final acceptance tests. The field
instructions shall cover items contained in the operating and maintenance
During installation of the system, there shall be no loss of function of
the existing base fire alarm system, or of the local building alarm systems
connected thereto. Transfer of local alarm system connections from the
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