Cables for Fire Alarm Service
NOTE: Whenever cables enter the fire station or
fire alarm headquarters or emerge from direct burial
or underground duct locations and continue
aboveground as aerial messenger cables or open wire
aerial loops they shall be protected by lightning
arresters. These must be indicated on the drawings.
Underground Cables
Cables [provided in duct-and-manhole systems] [buried directly in earth]
shall be in accordance with Sections 02300 EARTHWORK and 16302N UNDERGROUND
TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION. Concrete work for underground distribution
system and appurtenances shall be in accordance with Sections [03300N
Power wiring shall be copper Type USE conductors not less than No. [_____]
AWG in size conforming to NFPA 70. Exterior fire alarm reporting and
receiving system cable shall consist of individually insulated conductors
and double polyethylene outer jacket [and copper tape shield between
jackets for direct burial] not less than No. [_____] AWG in size. Wires
and cables shall be one piece without splices between connections except
where the distance exceeds the lengths in which cable is manufactured.
Make splices only in manholes, handholes, or other protected and accessible
Cables Provided in an Exterior Overhead System
Cables shall be in accordance with Section 16301N OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION AND
DISTRIBUTION. Cables shall be copper not less than No. [_____] AWG in size
and shall conform to NEMA WC 3 or NEMA WC 70 or NEMA WC 71. Cables shall
be in one piece without splices between connections except where the
distance exceeds the lengths in which the cable is manufactured. Support
cables from copper-encased steel or galvanized messenger wire or strand by
a continuous spirally wrapped lashing wire of copper-encased steel,
galvanized steel, or stainless steel. Messenger wire or strand shall
conform to IMSA 32, [30] [40] percent conductivity or ASTM A 475,
Siemens-Martin Utilities or HIGH Strength with Class A or B galvanizing.
Identification Slabs (Markers)
Provide markers in accordance with Sections 16302N UNDERGROUND TRANSMISSION
AND DISTRIBUTION, and provide at each change of direction of cable, over
the ends of ducts or conduits that are provided under paved areas and
roadways, and over each splice.
Wire Markers
Provide markers at both ends of each wire connected to the control board.
Provide taped-band type markers, of permanent material, permanently stamped
with the proper identification. The taped band shall be white and the
markings black in color so that the identification can be easily read.
Attach the markers to the wires in a manner that will not permit accidental
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