Box and Transmitter Tests
Prior to commencement of tests, prepare sketches on letter-size sheets
indicating electrical sequence from the control panel of manual boxes and
transmitters. Test each box on each box circuit as follows: Electrically
operate the farthest box from the fire station first. Examine the printout
to determine if the code contacts cause a uniform signal to be transmitted
through each of the four rounds. This test will provide a check on the box
operation and code contacts. Test the succeeding boxes or transmitters
successively until each box in the box circuit has been tested as
specified. Test each box circuit separately to determine that, should two
or more devices be operated at or near the same time, the device first
securing the line shall continue to transmit its code without interference
from other devices [, and that the remaining actuated devices shall
similarly and subsequently transmit their codes without interference as the
line becomes available].
Signal Transmission and Recording Tests
Test each fire alarm box for signal transmission and recording, including
fidelity of repeated signals on gong circuits under normal circuit
conditions with the maximum allowable current. Repeat test at 70
milliamperes. Test alarm relays at the same time at upper and lower
current limits.
Trouble Line Operation Tests
Repeat the foregoing operational test for the conditions of trouble line
operation, except test relays only at minimum current flow. Accomplish
test for box circuit relays by adjusting the normal line current to 100
milliamperes before simulating trouble line condition.
Simulating line trouble: Simulate line trouble by removing
circuit wires from terminals or applying grounds to these
terminals in each fire alarm box. Subject each box on each
circuit to the following tests.
(1) First test for trouble line operation: Remove one or the
other of the circuit wires from the terminal of the box being
tested. After waiting for the timing interval of the automatic
conditioning relay, operate the box. The signal shall be received
and recorded by the recorder and repeated in each of the gong
circuits. Following this test replace the removed conductor,
remove the remaining conductor, and repeat the test.
(2) Manual-set transmitter test: Set up the complete four-digit
numbers (1-1-1-1, 2-2-2-2, through 9-9-9-9) operating the
transmitter each time for full four rounds.
Complete Printout Documentation
Final Performance and Acceptance Tests
After the system has been in service for at least 30 calendar days, notify
the Contracting Officer in writing that the system is ready for final
acceptance tests. Provide notification at least 15 calendar days prior to
the date of the final acceptance test. Submit with this notification a
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