time on the system printer at log-on and log-off. The password shall not
be displayed or printed. Each password shall be definable and assignable
for the following:
Commands usable.
Access to system software.
Access to application software.
Individual zones which are to be accessed.
Access to database.
Alarm Monitoring Software
This program shall monitor all sensors, local processors and DTS circuits
and notify the operator of an alarm condition. All alarms shall be printed
in red on the alarm printer and displayed on the console's text and
graphics map monitors. Higher priority alarms shall be displayed first and
within alarm priorities. The oldest unacknowledged alarm shall be
displayed first. Operator acknowledgment of one alarm shall not be
considered as acknowledgment of any other alarm nor shall it inhibit
reporting of subsequent alarms. Alarm data to be displayed shall include
type of alarm, and location of alarm, and secondary alarm messages. Alarm
data to be printed shall include: type of alarm, location of alarm, date
and time (to nearest second) of occurrence, and operator response. A
unique message field with a width of 60 characters shall be provided for
each alarm. Assignment of messages to a zone or sensor shall be an
operator editable function. Secondary messages shall be assignable by the
operator for printing to provide further information and shall be editable
by the operator. The system shall provide for 25 secondary messages with a
field of 4 lines of 60 characters each. The most recent 1000 alarms shall
be stored and shall be recallable by the operator using the report
Monitor Display Software
Monitor display software shall provided for text and graphics map displays
that include zone status integrated into the display. Different colors
shall be used for the various components and real time data. Colors shall
be uniform on all displays. The following color coding shall be followed.
FLASHING RED to alert an operator that a zone has gone into an
alarm or that primary power has failed.
RED to alert an operator that a zone is in alarm and that the
alarm has been acknowledged.
YELLOW to advise an operator that a zone is in access.
GREEN to indicate that a zone is secure or that power is on.
System Test Software
This software shall enable the
operator to initiate a test of the system.
This test can be of the entire
system or a particular portion of the system
at the operator's option. The
results of each test shall be stored for
future display or print out in
report form.
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