pin tumblers] [or] [conventional key type lock having a combination of 5
cylinder pin and 5-point 3 position side bar]. Keys shall be stamped "U.S.
GOVT. DO NOT DUP." The locks shall be arranged so that the key can only be
withdrawn when in the locked position. Maintenance locks shall be keyed
alike and only 2 keys shall be furnished for all of these locks. These
keys shall be controlled in accordance with the key control plan as
specified in paragraph Key Control Plan.
Key-Lock-Operated Switches
Key-lock-operated switches required to be installed on system components
shall be UL listed, [round-key type, with 3 dual, 1 mushroom, and 3 plain
pin tumblers] [or] [conventional key type lock having a combination of 5
cylinder pin and 5-point 3 position side bar]. Keys shall be stamped "U.S.
GOVT. DO NOT DUP." Key-lock-operated switches shall be 2 position, with
the key removable in either position. All key-lock-operated switches shall
be keyed differently and only 2 keys shall be furnished for each
key-lock-operated-switch. These keys shall be controlled in accordance
with the key control plan as specified in paragraph Key Control Plan.
Construction Locks
A set of temporary locks shall be used during installation and
construction. The final set of locks installed and delivered to the
Government shall not include any of the temporary locks.
System Components
System components shall be designed for continuous operation. Electronic
conforming to UL 796. Printed circuit board connectors shall be plug-in,
quick-disconnect type. Power dissipating components shall incorporate
safety margins of not less that 25 percent with respect to dissipation
ratings, maximum voltages, and current carrying capacity. Control relays
and similar switching devices shall be solid state type or sealed
Equipment shall be designed for increase of system capability by
installation of modular components. System components shall be designed to
facilitate maintenance through replacement of modular subassemblies and
Components shall be designed to be maintained using commercially available
tools and equipment. Components shall be arranged and assembled so they
are accessible to maintenance personnel. There shall be no degradation in
tamper protection, structural integrity, EMI/RFI attenuation, or line
supervision after maintenance when it is performed in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.
The system shall be constructed with off-the-shelf components which are
physically, electrically and functionally interchangeable with equivalent
components as complete items. Replacement of equivalent components shall
not require modification of either the new component or of other components
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