Visual indicators
(1) Each visual signal and switch shall be clearly marked to
the background.
Switches shall operate independently.
(3) Mode in which each sensor zone is operating shall be
indicated by an illuminated visual signal. ALARM conditions shall
be indicated by a red light; ACCESS mode by a yellow light; and a
SECURE condition by a green light.
(4) Indicators shall be brightly lit and visible from a distance
of 9 meters 30 feet.
(5) An ALARM condition shall initially be indicated by a flashing
red light and an audio alarm; activation of the switch that
silences the accompanying audio alarm shall switch the flashing
red to a steady red glow.
(6) Switches, buttons, keys, jacks, and plugs that correspond to
a visual indicator shall be installed in or adjacent to the
indicator. Clearly mark each item to indicate its function.
(7) Audio signal devices shall be solid-state tone generators
audible to a distance of 9 meters 30 feet.
(8) An audio device provided for common use by several
annunciator modules shall be capable of independent activation
from any of the modules it serves.
Silencing controls
(1) Silencing control shall be provided to mute the alarm after
(2) Silencing the audio alarm triggered by one annunciation
module shall not mute the alarm's response to subsequent alarms
from other modules.
(3) The audio signal shall sound if the SILENCE control is put in
the SILENCE position and an ALARM condition does not exist.
(4) Silencing control shall be designed to prohibit disabling of
alarm annunciation by holding or taping down the RESET contact.
(5) If individual audio signaling devices are provided with each
annunciator module, the silencing control shall be a toggle switch.
(6) Silencing switches shall be positive-reset; when the
annunciator module is reset, the audio signal shall sound until
the silencing switch is returned to the non-SILENCE position.
House local annunciator unit in a metal enclosure.
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