Number of digits:
Two minimum, 00 to 99;
Horizontal position:
Screwdriver adjust;
Vertical position:
Screwdriver adjust;
(5) Character retention:
Either hardwired or battery backup for
15 minutes minimum;
UHF or BNC; and
(7) Inputs: Looping: Identifier shall not interfere with video
signal quality when in line with power on or off.
Video tape recorder: Recorder shall be of the helical scan format
and shall accept standard 12.7 mm 1/2 inch VHS video cassettes.
Time for a stable picture lock from the standby mode shall be 2
seconds or less. Recorder shall provide continuous recording
times of 2 hours per cassette. Time lapse recording up to 24
hours selectable shall be possible. Tape motion controls shall be
pushbuttons. Provide for remote starting and stopping of video
recorder. Recorder shall be capable of stop motion and slow
motion. Provide a tracking control to ensure precise tracking of
playback. Provide 10 standard 12.7 mm 1/2 inch VHS video
cassettes. Mount recorder in a [standard 480 mm 19 inchequipment
rack] [desk top console].
Video performance requirements shall be as follows:
(a) Bandwidth: 30 Hz to 3.5 MHz plus or minus one dB, down no
more than 4 dB at 5 MHz;
(b) Signal-to-noise ratio: 46 dB peak-to-peak composite signal
to rms noise with high energy tape;
(c) Differential gain:
10 IRE units maximum deviation (10 to 90
percent APL);
Input level:
0.5 to 2.0 Vp-p, 1.0 Vp-p nominal;
Output level:
One Vp-p composite video into 75 ohms;
Horizontal tilt:
Less than plus or minus one percent;
Vertical tilt:
Less than plus or minus 5 percent.
Audio performance requirements shall be as follows:
Number of channels:
One minimum;
(b) Bandwidth: Audio one 75 Hz to 10 kHz plus or minus 4 dB,
audio two 250 Hz to 7.5 kHz plus or minus 4 dB;
(c) Signal-to-noise ratio: 40 dB relative to 3 percent total
harmonic distortion (THD) level at one kHz;
Less than 0.25 percent rms 0.5 to 250 Hz;
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