Primary Power
Furnish [120] [_____] volt ac service, transformed through a two-winding
isolation transformer and rectified to low-voltage dc for system operation.
Obtain primary power [from the line side of incoming facility power] [at
the location indicated]. Provide a separate, lockable, fused safety switch
Backup Power
Provide backup power to the primary power by [dedicated on-site diesel
engine generator set (not a part of the IDS)] [backup battery in each
element or subsystem as may be appropriate to provide a minimum of [4]
[_____] hours of power] [uninterruptible power supply (UPS)].
UPS: Backup power required for uninterrupted operation of the IDS
[until a diesel engine generator set can assume the full load]
shall be provided by an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). The
UPS shall consist of a rectifier, battery and support racks, a
static inverter, static switch transfer, and a manual bypass
switch. The UPS shall have a continuous output to supply the
maximum load requirements of the IDS. Size battery to sustain the
UPS at full rated load [for 4 hours] [for 15 minutes] [until
diesel engine generator set can assume the load] [_____].
Batteries: Provide [further] backup by dedicated batteries in
remotely located system elements such as individual sensors or
batteries shall be an integral part of dispersed system elements.
Batteries shall be capable of operation in any position and shall
be protected against venting caustic chemicals or fumes within an
equipment cabinet. Batteries shall be capable of continuous
operation for up to [4] [_____] hours without recharge or
Design system components to operate as described herein within the context
of the overall system performance previously described. Perceived
inconsistencies between the following component performance specifications
and overall system level performance descriptions shall be decided in favor
of the former.
Provide components designed for modular increase or decrease of system
capability by installation or removal of plug-in modules. Design system
components to facilitate modular subassembly and part replacement.
Provide only new components in current manufacturing production,
manufactured to meet requirements specified herein, and free from
characteristics and defects which affect appearance, or serviceability or
render equipment unsuitable for the intended purpose. MTBF for component
shall not be less than [5000] [_____] hours. [Provide only IDS components
which meet requirements of DIA DCID 1/21.]
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