12 months.
NOTE: The USEPA asbestos training requirements have
been delegated to USEPA agreement states. Some
states have adopted more stringent training
requirements. Edit this paragraph in accordance
with the most stringent requirement. Remove
subparagraphs that do not apply.
EPA Model Accreditation Plan (MAP) training at 40
CFR 763, should be specified for OSHA Class I
operations; for OSHA Class II asbestos operations
where there will be more than one Class II material
to be abated; or where there is only one Class II
material to be abated but still required by the
state where the work will be conducted.
The designer will specify the OSHA training
requirements for Class II operations (where there is
only one Class II material to be abated and the
state where the work is to be conducted does not
require the EPA MAP training indicated above, or the
abatement only involves roofing materials) , Class
III, or Class IV operations.
The Contractor shall establish a training program as specified by EPA MAP,
training requirements at 40 CFR 763, the State of [_____] regulation no.
[_____], OSHA requirements at 29 CFR 1926.1101 (k)(9). Contractor
are to perform and such training shall be documented and provided to the CO.
I and II operations 32 hours Asbestos Worker Training]
II generic removal 8 hour Asbestos Worker Trainig]
III operations 16 hour O & M Training]
IV operations 2 hour Awareness Training]
Prior to commencement of work the Contractor's Designated IH and Competent
Person shall instruct each worker about:
The hazards and health effects of the specific types of ACM to be
abated; and
The content and requirements of the Contractor's APP to include
the AHAP and AHAs and site-specific safety and health precautions.
The Contractor's Designated IH
shall establish in writing, and implement a
respiratory protection program
in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.1101, 29 CFR
1910.134, and ANSI Z88.2. The
Contractor's Designated IH shall establish
minimum respiratory protection
requirements based on measured or
anticipated levels of airborne
asbestos fiber concentrations.
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