not less than [_____] mm feet of cover over the pipes. The valves and
fittings shall extend from the [standpipe] [reservoir] [riser pipe]
connection to a point one length of pipe outside the valve chamber walls on
the main or feed line to the [elevated tank] [standpipe] [reservoir]; the
drain line will be carried to an outlet as indicated on the drawings. The
access manhole shall be not less than 760 mm 30 inches in diameter.
Anchors for [Standpipe] [Reservoirs]
The following requirements shall be met:
An adequate number of anchors designed to prevent overturning of
the [standpipe] [reservoir] when empty shall be installed. If
anchor bolts are used, the nominal diameter shall not be less than
25 mm one inch, plus a corrosion allowance of at least 6 mm 1/4
inch on the diameter. If anchor straps are used, they shall be
pre-tensioned before welding to the tank shell.
The anchor bolts shall be a right angle bend, hook, or plate
washer, while anchor straps shall have only a plate welded to the
bottom. The anchors shall be inserted into the foundation to
resist the computed uplift.
Attachment of anchors to the shell shall not add significant
localized stresses to the shell. The method of attachment shall
consider the effects of deflection and rotation of the tank shell.
Anchors shall not be attached to the tank bottom. Attachment of
the anchor bolts to the shell shall be through stiffened
chair-type assemblies or anchor rings of adequate size and height.
Concrete work shall conform to Section [03300A CAST-IN-PLACE STRUCTURAL
AWWA B300 for hypochlorites or AWWA B301 for liquid chlorine, mixed with
water to give the solutions required in AWWA C652.
Foundations for the [standpipe] [reservoir] [tank columns and riser] and
for the valve chamber shall be constructed of concrete, reinforced where
necessary, and designed in accordance with Section 12 of AWWA D100 or
Sections 11 and 8.5 of AWWA D103 for earth with a bearing value of [_____]
MPa psf, at elevation [_____], and constructed in conformance with the
applicable requirements of Section [03300A CAST-IN-PLACE STRUCTURAL
CONCRETE][03300N CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE], except as shown or specified
herein. An AWWA D100 Type 1 or an AWWA D103 Type 1 or Type 2 foundation
shall be provided for the [standpipe] [reservoir]. Factor of safety on
overturning of [elevated tanks] [standpipe] [reservoir] under design wind
load shall be 1.33 minimum. When a footing is required, an inverted
truncated pyramid of earth with 2 on 1 side slopes above top of footing may
be used in determining overturning stability.
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