rate. Screening for vent shall
conform to Section 5.7.2 of AWWA D100 or
Section 5.7.2 of AWWA D103which
ensures fail-safe operation in the event
that screen frosts over and the
bottom of the screen shall be sufficiently
elevated for snow consideration
in the area.
Ladders and Safety Devices
Ladders and safety devices shall be provided in accordance with Sections
7.4 and 7.5 of AWWA D100 or Sections 5.4 and 5.5 of AWWA D103. Location of
ladders shall be as shown on the drawings. Sections 7.4 and 7.5 of AWWA
D100 and Secions 5.4 and 5.5 of AWWA D103 represent the minimum
requirement. In addition, safety cage, rest platforms, roof ladder
handrails, and other safety devices shall be provided as required by
federal or local laws or regulations.
Scaffold Cable Support
Provision shall be made for the attachment of a scaffold cable support at
the top of the roof on welded tanks.
rovide a balcony a minimum of 600 mm 2 feet wide with a standard guard
railing. Provide a structural steel railing with a top rail 1050 mm 42
inches above balcony platform with an intermediate rail halfway between.
Guard rail shall be capable of withstanding a force of 888 N 200 pounds
applied in any direction. Install a steel toe board with minimum height of
100 mm 4 inches. Bottom of toe board shall be a maximum 6 mm 1/4 inch from
platform top. Extend guard rail and toe board entire length of balcony
except where access openings are required. For balcony floors use diamond
plates a minimum of 6 mm 1/4 inch thick, punched or drilled for drainage.
[Equip access openings in guard rail with a gate which closes
automatically.] Hatches through balcony floor shall be counterbalanced or
otherwise arranged to open from below.
Coating for Welded Tanks
Provide exterior coating systems conforming to Section 09971, "Exterior
Coating of Steel Structures," and interior coating systems conforming to
Section 09972, "Interior Coating of Welded Steel Water Tanks."
Coating for Bolted Tanks
NOTE: Bolted tanks are factory coated, interior and
exterior. No field painting is needed other than
repair to damaged areas. Where cathodic protection
established across the bolted joints to ensure
proper cathodic protection system operation.
As supplied by the manufacturer.
Valve Chamber
Valve chamber shall be sufficiently large to house all control valves and
fittings. Pipes, valves, and fittings shall be supported on concrete
blocks where necessary. The valve chamber shall be constructed to provide
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