of standard design, manufactured for use as a cathodic protection test
station, complete with cover, terminal board, shunts, and brass or Type
[304] [316] stainless steel hardware. The terminal board shall be
removable for easy access to wires. [Provide traffic valve box capable of
withstanding [H-20] [_____] traffic loads.] The cover shall have a cast in
legend "CP TEST."
Post Top Mounted Type
NEMA ICS 6. Metallic or non-metallic with terminal board, [5] [8] [_____]
terminal posts and lockable lid. A non-metallic enclosure shall be high
impact strength molded plastic. The unit shall be of standard design,
manufactured for use as a cathodic protection test station, complete with
cover, terminal board, shunts, and brass or Type [304] [316] stainless
steel hardware. The terminal board shall be removable for easy access to
wires. The test station shall be mounted atop 1830 mm 6 foot long
polyethylene conduit with anchor.
Wall Mounted Type
NEMA ICS 6, Type [3R] [4X] [_____] enclosure with [clamped cover] [Type
[304] [316] stainless steel hinges and [clamped] [latched] cover] [and
padlocked hasp]. Enclosure shall be of [galvanized steel] [painted steel]
[aluminum] [fiberglass] [non-metallic] construction with terminal board and
labeled with nameplate. Provide nameplate in accordance with Section 16050N
be [galvanized steel pipe,schedule [40] [80] [_____]], [wood post, full
length pressure treated with pentachlorophenol] [as indicated]. Mount
enclosure 1066 mm 42 inches above finished grade [as indicated].
Terminal Boards
Provide terminal boards for anode junction boxes, bonding boxes, and test
stations made of phenolic plastic [3] [6] [_____] mm [1/8] [1/4] [_____]
inch thick with dimensions as indicated. Insulated terminal boards shall
have the required number of terminals (one terminal required for each
conductor). Install solderless copper lugs and copper buss bars, shunts,
and variable resistors on the terminal board as indicated. Test station
terminal connections shall be permanently tagged to identify each
termination of conductors (e.g. identify the conductors connected to the
protected structure, anodes, and reference electrodes). Conductors shall
be permanently identified by means of plastic or metal tags, or plastic
sleeves to indicate termination. [Each conductor shall be color coded as
Anode lead wire - black
Structure lead wire - white
Reference electrode lead wire - red]
Shunt Resistors
[MIL-I-1361.] [0.01] [______] ohm, [6] [______] ampere, accuracy plus or
minus one percent, manganin wire type.
Pavement Insert
Pavement insert shall be a non-metallic flush type test station without
terminal board, and shall allow a copper-copper sulfate reference electrode
to contact the electrolyte beneath the pavement surface. [Provide traffic
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