Excavate hole to a minimum 75 mm 3 inches larger than the packaged
anode diameter, [_____] mm [_____] feet deep.
Excavate lead wire trench to [610] [_____] mm [24] [_____] inches
deep, [_____] mm [_____] inches wide.
Do not lift or support anode by the lead wire. Where applicable,
remove manufacturer's plastic wrap/bag from the anode. Exercise
care to preclude damaging the cloth bag and the lead wire
Center the packaged anode in the hole with native soil in layers
not exceeding 150 millimeters 6 inches. Hand tamp each layer to
remove voids taking care not to strike the anode lead wire. When
the backfill is 150 millimeters 6 inches above the top of the
anode, pour not less than ten gallons of water into the hole to
saturate the anode backfill and surrounding soil. Anodes shall
not be backfilled prior to inspection and approval by the
Contracting Officer.
Cover the lead wire trench bottom with a 75 mm 3 inch layer of
sand or stone free earth. Center wire on the backfill layer, do
not stretch or kink the conductor. Place backfill over wire in
layers not exceeding 150 mm six inches deep, compact each layer
thoroughly. Do not place tree roots, wood scrap, vegetable matter
and refuse in backfill. Place cable warning tape within [450]
[_____] mm [18] [_____] inches of finished grade, above cable and
Connect anode lead wire(s) [to the test station terminal board(s)]
[directly to the protected structure(s) by use of exothermic weld
kit(s). Clean the structure surface by scraping, filing or wire
brushing to produce a clean, bright surface. Weld connections
using exothermic kit(s) in accordance with the kit manufacturer's
instructions. Check and verify adherence of the bond to the
substrate for mechanical integrity by striking the weld with a 908
gram 2 pound hammer. Cover connections with an electrically
insulating coating [which is compatible with the existing coating
on the structure]]. Allow sufficient slack in the lead wire to
compensate for movement during backfilling operation.
Connect structure leads to structure by use of exothermic weld
kit(s). Clean the structure surface by scraping, filing or wire
brushing to produce a clean, bright surface. [Weld connections
using exothermic kit(s) in accordance with the kit manufacturer's
instructions.] Conform to the safety precautions of paragraph
3.1.2 [_____] when welding around fuel facilities. Check and
verify adherence of the bond to the substrate for mechanical
integrity by striking the weld with a 908 gram 2 pound hammer.
Cover connections with an electrically insulating coating [which
is compatible with the existing coating on the structure.]
Connect structure lead wires to the test station terminal board(s).
Safety Precautions For Welding Around Fuel Facilities
Contractor shall take proper safety precautions prior to and during welding
to live fuel pipelines [tanks]. Contractor shall notify the activity Fuel
Office via the Contracting Officer a minimum of three days before
performing exothermic welding to live fuel lines. Exothermic welding shall
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