completion of in-progress testing, including defect repairs and retest, and
with prior approval of the Contracting Officer, placement of embedments
covering may be made to complete the structural systems. The Contractor
shall provide an in-progress test report.
Testing - Part 2
Part 2 initial testing shall consist of inspection, visual seam inspection,
seam testing, and shielded enclosure effectiveness testing after shielding
and shielding penetrations are completed, but before the installation of
finish materials over the shielding. Access to penetrations is required.
All [seams] [welds], including shielding and penetrations not tested in
part 1, shall be SELDS tested. The initial shielded enclosure
effectiveness acceptance test shall consist of a MIL-STD-188-125-1 test
utilizing specified test frequencies for magnetic and plane wave. Testing
shall be conducted in accordance with the paragraph EM Shielding
Effectiveness Testing. These tests shall be performed with the number of
shield penetrations limited to those required to support the test. After
successful completion of Part 2 initial testing, including defect repairs
and retest, and with prior approval of the Contracting Officer, placement
of any covering may be made except in areas where penetrations are located.
The Contractor shall provide an initial test report.
Testing - Part 3
Part 3 final acceptance testing shall consist of a visual inspection and a
shielded enclosure effectiveness test of the EM shielding materials and
installation. All [seams] [welds], including shielding and penetrations
not tested in parts 1 and 2, shall be SELDS tested. Part 3 testing shall
be performed upon completion of construction and when the building is ready
for occupancy. Facilities requiring HEMP protection shall be tested for
shielding effectiveness in accordance with acceptance test procedures in
MIL-STD-188-125-1. The Contracting Officer shall be notified in writing 14
days prior to tests to permit adequate monitoring by authorized
representatives. Corrective work shall be accomplished immediately upon
detection that any area has failed to meet the requirements specified.
Retesting shall be performed to verify that remedial work done to meet the
required attenuation has been properly installed. The Contractor shall
provide a final acceptance test report.
Weld Inspection
NOTE: Additional welding tests may be specified,
such as ultrasonic or radiographic tests, but these
tests are costly.
The weld seams shall be visually inspected by a qualified welder during the
welding operation and after welding is completed. Completed welds shall be
inspected after the welds have been thoroughly cleaned by hand or power
wire-brush. Welds shall be inspected with magnifiers under bright light
for surface cracking, porosity, slag inclusion, excessive roughness,
unfilled craters, gas pockets, undercuts, overlaps, size, and insufficient
throat and concavity. Defective welds shall be ground out and replaced
with sound welds.
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