Control Report.
The Contractor's organizational structure for shielding quality control
shall be integrated into the jobsite management. Testing shall be
performed by [an independent testing firm] [the shielding installer].
Hardness critical items shall be identified during the detail drawing
submittal period. These items are those components and/or construction
features which singularly and collectively provide specified levels of HEMP
protection, such as the EM shield, surge arresters, EM shielded doors,
shield welding, electrical filters, honeycomb waveguides, and
Performance Test Plan
A performance test plan shall be submitted for Contracting Officer
approval. Testing shall be accomplished in three parts: (1) in-progress;
(2) initial shielded enclosure effectiveness; and (3) final acceptance,
shield enclosure effectiveness. The test plan shall include equipment
listings (including calibration dates and antenna factors) and the proposed
test report format. The plan shall also include specific test dates and
durations during the overall construction period so that the Contracting
Officer may be scheduled to observe the testing and so that repairs may be
made to the shield and retests conducted. This separate testing schedule
for the EM enclosure shall show the points, during construction, when it
begins and ends as well as a day-by-day test schedule. The test plan shall
indicate proposed dates and duration of lowest and highest frequency tests
so that the Contracting Officer may be available for these final acceptance
tests. A test grid shall be identified and the plan for correlation of
that grid to the structure shall be provided.
Test Reports
results of this paragraph may be classified for some
projects. Provide appropriate instructions when
this occurs.
Test reports shall include the method of testing, equipment used,
personnel, location of tests, and test results. Daily reports of results
of each test performed on each portion of the shielding system shall be
submitted to the Contracting Officer within 3 working days of the test.
Location of the area tested shall be clearly identified. Leaks detected
during testing shall be identified with sufficient accuracy to permit
relocation for testing in accordance with test procedures. Reports of
testing shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer with required
certification by the testing agency representative or consultant. Three
reports (in-progress test report, initial test report, and final acceptance
test report) shall be submitted in accordance with the format described
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