5. Location of mechanical and electrical equipment
within shielded enclosure.
6. Detail equipment mounted or suspended from the
shielded ceiling.
7. Shield penetration schedule to include:
a. Location of the waveguide.
b. Size of waveguide (dimensions).
c. No. of penetrations in the waveguide.
d. Penetration designation of each penetration in
the waveguide (if more than one).
e. Size of pipe for each penetration in the
f. Type of pipe for each waveguide penetration.
g. Type of penetration.
h. The detail/sheet no. of the waveguide detail.
i. Any remarks pertaining to the waveguide.
8. Filter schedule to include:
a. Location of filter.
b. Type of filter (power or signal).
c. No. Of filters in the filter enclosure.
d. Electrical characteristics of the filter
(voltage, amperage, no. of poles, frequency).
e. Purpose of the filter.
f. The detail/sheet no. Of the typical filter
g. Any remarks pertaining to the filter.
Typical filter details.
10. Hardness critical items (HCI) should be
identified using the (HCI) symbol on project
Refer to MIL-HDBK 419 for special grounding and
bonding requirements for EM shielded enclosures.
Refer to the U.S. Air Force Handbook for the Design
and Construction of HEMP/TEMPEST and Other Shields
in Facilities (March 1993). This document can be
obtained from HQ AFIC/LEEE, San Antonio, Texas
78243-5001. Also refer to AR 380-19. MIL-HDBK 423
should be used for projects requiring HEMP
protection. The designer should consult these
documents and other appropriate sources before
applying this guide specification to large-scale EM
shielded enclosures or to HEMP or TEMPEST projects.
The requirement for thermal expansion joints
inherent to large-scale enclosures is not addressed
in this guide specification. The extent and
location of the work to be accomplished and wiring,
equipment, and accessories necessary for a complete
installation should be indicated on the project
drawings. The Air Force contracts with an
independent testing laboratory to perform their
acceptance testing. The test can consist of a SELDS
or equivalent test and H-field and plane wave CW
tests per MIL-STD-188-125 and/or IEEE Std 299. See
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