Countertops and Backsplash
Manufacturer's printed data, catalog cuts, installation and
cleaning instructions.
SD-04 Samples
Cabinets[; G][; G, [_____]]
Countertops and Backsplash[; G][; G, [_____]]
In lieu of individual samples, complete minimum size cabinets
may be furnished as samples. Mock-up units are not acceptable.
Samples shall be of sufficient size to show color, pattern, and
method of assembly.
Countertop and backsplash - One section, containing both.
Door and drawer front - One of each, with hardware mounted.
c. [Three] [_____] countertop color samples approximately 50 x
75 mm 2 x 3 inches size.
d. [Three] [_____] cabinet stain/color samples approximately 50
x 75 mm 2 x 3 inches size.
SD-06 Test Reports
Test reports certifying that all cabinets comply with the
requirements of KCMA A161.1. Tests shall be conducted by
independent laboratories approved by KCMA. KCMA certification
seals affixed to the cabinets will be accepted in lieu of
certified test reports.
Cabinets shall be delivered to the jobsite wrapped in a protective
covering. Cabinets shall be stored in accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations in an adequately ventilated, dry location that is free of
dust, water, or other contaminants and in a manner to permit access for
inspection and handling. Cabinets shall be handled carefully to prevent
damage to the surfaces. Damaged items that cannot be restored to like-new
condition shall be replaced.
NOTE: Specify good grade for natural finish and
sound grade for paint finish.
Wall and base cabinets shall be of the same construction and same outside
appearance. Door design shall be [[solid flush face] [framed inset
hardwood panels] [glass face]] from vendors standard styles. Corner
cabinets shall be equipped with [[notched shelving] [full circle shelves]]
as indicated. Shelves shall be fixed or fully adjustable as indicated.
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