Backflow preventers shall be furnished as specified in Section 15400
PLUMBING, GENERAL PURPOSE. The Contractor is responsible to install
backflow preventers as shown on the contract drawings and at all other
locations necessary to preclude a cross-connect or interconnect between a
potable water supply and any source of nonpotable water, or other
contaminant. Backflow preventers shall be installed at all locations where
the potable water outlet is below the flood level of the equipment, or will
be located below the level of the contaminant. Backflow preventers shall
be provided of sufficient size to allow unrestricted flow of water to the
equipment, and preclude the backflow of waste or other contamination into
the potable water system.
Gas Equipment
Installation of equipment shall conform to NFPA 54. A heavy duty steel
cable, 75 to 150 mm 3 to 6 inches shorter than the equipment connector
shall be fastened to the equipment and the walls.
Plumbing Work
Plumbing final connection points of equipment shall be tagged, indicating
item number, name of devices or components, and type of utility (water,
gas, steam, drain). Extensions of indirect waste fitting shall be provided
to open-sight hub drain, floor sink or floor drains from food service
Grinding, Polishing, and Finishing
Exposed welded joints shall be ground smooth and finished to match the
adjoining material. Wherever materials have been depressed or sunken by
welding operation, such depressions shall be hammered and peened flush with
the adjoining surface, and again ground to eliminate high spots. Ground
surfaces shall then be polished or buffed to match adjoining surfaces.
Care shall be exercised in the grinding operations to avoid excessive
heating of the metal and metal discoloration. Abrasives, wheels, and belts
used in grinding shall be free of iron and shall not have been used on
carbon steel. In all cases, the grain of rough grinding shall be removed
by several successively finer polishing operations. The texture of the
final polishing operation shall be uniform, smooth, and consistent. The
grain direction of horizontal stainless steel surface shall be
longitudinal, including the splash back. Polishing at right angle corners
shall provide a mitered appearance. Butt and contact joints shall be close
fitting and not require solder as a filler. Wherever brake bends occur,
the bends shall be free of open texture or orange peel appearance. Where
brake work does mar the uniform appearance of the material, such marks
shall be removed by grinding, polishing, and finishing. Sheared edges
shall be free of burrs, projections, and fins. Where miters or bullnosed
corners occur, such miters and corners shall be finished with the underage
of the material and ground to a uniform condition. Overlapping of material
is not acceptable. Exposed stainless steel surfaces shall have a No. 3 or
4 finish. Finishes of materials, other than stainless steel, shall be
comparable in appearance to commercial mill finish. Exposed surfaces shall
Exterior surfaces exposed to view.
Interior surfaces exposed to view in doorless cabinets.
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