capacities such as for exhaust hoods, refrigeration systems, fire
suppression systems, gas, water, and steam/condensate line sizes
and manifold configurations.
Delivery shall be coordinated for access through finished openings
and vertical handling limitation within the building.
Standard Products
Materials and equipment shall be the standard products of manufacturer
regularly engaged in the manufacture of the products and shall essentially
duplicate items that have been in satisfactory use for at least 2 years
prior to bid opening. The experience used shall include applications of
equipment and materials under similar circumstances and of similar size.
When two or more of the same products are supplied they shall be products
of one manufacturer. Equipment shall be supported by a service
organization that is, in the opinion of the Contracting Officer, reasonably
convenient to the site.
Each item of equipment shall bear a stainless steel, aluminum, or engraved
polyester nameplate, as standard with the manufacturer, located in a
conspicuous position and permanently fastened to the equipment. Name or
identification plates shall be of the size standard with the manufacturer
for the particular piece of equipment provided. Name plates shall reflect
the name of the manufacturer/trade name, serial number, make, and model
number, pertinent ratings, operating characteristics, and other information
as standard with the manufacturer, date of manufacture, electrical
characteristics, and other applicable data, such as flow rate, temperature,
pressure, capacity, and material of construction. Separate equipment
identification plates with the contract number marked thereon, shall be
securely fastened to the surface of each piece of equipment.
American Gas Association Laboratories Standards
Gas-burning equipment shall be designed for operation with the type of gas
specified and shall be approved by CSA. Acceptable evidence of meeting the
requirements of the applicable CSA Directory standards shall be either CSA
mark on equipment, a photostatic copy of the CSA appliance certificate, a
listing of the specific food service equipment or appliance in the CSA
Directory, or a certified test report from a nationally recognized
independent testing laboratory, indicating that the specified equipment has
been tested and conforms to the requirements of the applicable CSA
Underwriters Laboratories Standards
Electrically operated equipment shall be in accordance with applicable UL
standards such as UL 471, UL 489, UL 710 and UL 197. Evidence of meeting
the requirements shall be a UL label on the equipment, a UL listing mark
per UL Elec Equip Dir or a certified test report from a nationally
recognized independent testing laboratory indicating that the specific food
service equipment has been tested and conforms to the applicable UL
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