reactor. [Diffuser] [Injector] replacement or repositioning shall be
accomplished as required to maintain uniform air distribution throughout
the reactor. If after repositioning, air distribution throughout the
reactor lacks uniformity, additional redistributors or deflectors shall be
installed in the reactor as recommended by the [diffuser] [injector]
supplier to accomplish uniform flow distribution throughout the reactor.
Leak Testing
Leak testing shall be accomplished at the factory to verify the integrity
of the reactor vessels and associated gas and liquid piping. The factory
leak test shall be accomplished on the reactor vessel and appurtenances
following assembly at the factory. Onsite hydrostatic leak testing shall
include all piping between the upstream and downstream processes, and be
accomplished using potable water at a pressure 1.5 times the working
pressure, or 350 kPa 50 psi unless otherwise approved by the Contracting
Officer. The reactor vessel and appurtenances shall be isolated from the
connecting piping and retested for leaks using potable water following
assembly at the site. The ozone generator gas connections shall be tested
with dry air or oxygen at the maximum pressure allowed by the manufacturer,
or as identified in the previous paragraph. Any gas or liquid leaks
identified during the aforementioned testing shall be repaired and the
system shall be retested until the systems are free of leaks.
Control Panel
the Contracting Officer prior to commencement of leak testing or testing
using oxidizers. The central control testing shall be accomplished prior
to overall plant startup.
Ozone Generation System
NOTE: The installer or manufacturer should
demonstrate the operation and efficiency of the
equipment. Power consumption for ozone generation
should be less than 10 kWhr per 0.5 kg (pound) of
ozone generated assuming a PSA oxygen feed system is
used to generate a 10 percent ozone feed; verify
this with multiple equipment suppliers based on the
specific ozone application pressures to be used, gas
feed, and applied ozone concentration.
The ozone generation system shall be tested to ensure that the actual ozone
production, power usage, or water consumption rates meet recommended
requirements. Power usage shall be measured after achieving steady state
conditions as determined by the ozone generator supplier. Power usage
shall be measured at the central motor control center or at each individual
component including the [air dryer,] [refrigerant driers,] [desiccant
driers,] [oxygen generator,] ozone generator, cooling water pumps, and
master control panel. Power usage shall be within [5] [_____] percent of
[_____] kWh per kg pound of ozone generated at 100 percent of rated
capacity. Cooling water supply shall also be measured. Cooling water
consumption rate shall not exceed [_____] L/s gpm at the parameters listed
in paragraph Ozone Generator by more than [5] [_____] percent. If the
equipment does not meet the specified consumption rates, the Contractor
shall make the necessary system revisions to meet the rates specified at no
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