Discharge capacity test for air lift pump
Hypochlorinator tests]
SD-07 Certificates
Year 2000 (Y2K) Compliance Warranty; G
List of prior installations
Mechanical aerators]
Materials not labeled or certified
SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions
NOTE: Delete reference to comminutor when not
required for plant. For plants of 1.09 L/s 25,000
GPD capacity and below, the comminutor and bar
screen unit may be omitted, and in lieu thereof, a
screening basket provided in the aeration tank. For
installations in which all sewage has passed through
a comminutor and bar screen upstream of the plant, a
comminutor and bar screen unit need not be provided
as a part of the plant equipment.
NOTE: Delete reference either to chlorinator or to
hypochlorinator. Hypochlorinator should be
specified for all plants 4.38 L/s 100,000 GPD
capacity and below. Chlorinator should be specified
for all plants 6.57 L/s 150,000 GPD capacity and
above. Between 4.38 L/s and 6.57 L/s 100,000 GPD
and 150,000 GPD capacity either is suitable.
Selection should be made on basis of existing
station or base practices, local availability, and
comparative costs.
NOTE: Delete "Raw sewage recirculation box" when
not required. When sewage is pumped to the
treatment plant, the use of a raw sewage
recirculation box (which recirculates a portion of
incoming sewage back to the pumping station) should
be considered to provide uniform flow and avoid
surges through the plant. Decision should be based
on undesirability of surge effects on the plant vs.
economics of the recirculation system.
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