polyurethane interlayer, 3 mm 1/8 inch polycarbonate sheet, 1.3 mm
0.050 inch polyurethane interlayer, 3 mm 1/8 inch clear
chemically-strengthened glass.
Type 3: 10 mm 3/8 inch nominal laminated plastic: 4.8 mm 3/16 inch
mar-resistant (hard coat) polycarbonate (threat side), 0.9 mm
0.034 inch polyurethane interlayer, 4.8 mm 3/16 inch polycarbonate
Type 4: 11 mm 7/16 inch nominal laminated glass: 3 mm 1/8 inch
clear chemically-strengthened glass, 2.3 mm 0.090 inch polyvinyl
butyral interlayer, 3 mm 1/8 inchclear chemically-strengthened
glass, 2.3 mm 0.090 inchpolyvinyl butyral interlayer, 3 mm 1/8 inch
clear chemically-strengthened glass.
Type 4W: Add a separate (not laminated) 6 mm 1/4 inchannealed
wire glass on staff side to Type 4.
Type 5: 14.3 mm 9/16 inch nominal glass-clad polycarbonate: 3 mm
1/8 inch clear chemically-strengthened glass (threat side), 1.3 mm
0.050 inch polyurethane interlayer, 6 mm 1/4 inch polycarbonate
sheet, 1.3 mm 0.050 inch polyurethane interlayer, 3 mm 1/8 inch
clear chemically-strengthened glass.
Type 5W: Add a separate (not laminated) 6 mm 1/4 inchannealed
wire glass on staff side to Type 5.
Type 6: 8 mm 5/16 inch nominal laminated glass: 3 mm 1/8 inch
clear chemically-strengthened glass, 2.3 mm 0.090 inch polyvinyl
butyral interlayer, 3 mm 1/8 inchclear chemically-strengthened
Provide types required for the applicable setting method specified in GANA
Glazing Manual and GANA Sealant Manual, except as modified in this section.
Do not use metal sash putty, nonskinning compounds, nonresilient preformed
sealers, or impregnated preformed gaskets. Materials exposed to view shall
be gray or neutral color.
Glazing Compound
Use for face glazing metal sash.
Verify compatibility with materials in
glazing assembly.
Elastomeric Sealant
ASTM C 920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 12.5, use NT. Use for channel or stop
glazing metal sash. Sealant shall be chemically compatible with setting
blocks, edge blocks, and sealing tapes [, and with plastic sheet]. Color of
sealant shall be white.
Preformed Channels
Neoprene, AAMA MCWM-1, as recommended by the glass manufacturer for the
particular condition. Channels shall be chemically compatible with plastic
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