prying and jamb spreading. When they are used,
reinforce side jambs with heavy structural steel
anchored at the top and bottom.
Sidelight frames shall be constructed using forced entry resistant door
frame sections. For glazing in door or sidelight, stop height and rabbet
depth shall be as required to accommodate the glazing material that is
resistant to the forced entry test standard specified. The assembly shall
be tested with the specified glazing and stops installed. Exterior (attack
side) glazing stops shall be welded or integral to the frame. Interior
(protected side) glazing stops shall be removable stops attached with
high-strength alloy steel machine screws with tamper-resistant heads or as
required by the manufacturer. Glazing is specified in paragraph Forced
Entry Resistant Glazing Materials.
Preparation for Hardware
Doors and frames shall be prepared for hardware in accordance with [NAAMM
HMMA 830] [manufacturer's instructions]. Surface applied hardware shall be
drilled and tapped in the field.
NOTE: Panic hardware on a forced entry rated door
renders the door more susceptible to compromise. If
panic hardware is required, use a push pad type
which has a flush-mounted bar. Locks and hinges are
an integral part of the forced entry resistance of a
door assembly.
The following hardware guidance refers to single and
pairs of swinging personnel doors, up to 1.22 x 2.44
m (4 x 8 feet) per leaf. The locks and hinges
listed below provide minimum levels of protection
only. The locks and hinges for forced entry
resistant door assemblies should be a tested part of
a door manufacturer's assembly. For other door
hardware, extra-heavy-duty standard commercial
hardware is suitable.
Hardware for forced entry resistant door assemblies shall be provided by
the door assembly manufacturer to ensure a complete forced entry resistant
assembly. Where test standard requires hardware to be tested with the door
assembly, locks and hinges shall be included in the labeling and/or test
certification. Locks and hinges shall be the same or equal in performance,
quality, grade, and quantity as used on the successfully tested door
assembly in accordance with the specified forced entry testing standard.
The Contractor shall provide certification that the locks, latches, and
hinges provide the same degree of forced entry resistance as required by
the specified forced entry testing standard. Keying shall be as specified
in Section 08710 DOOR HARDWARE.
Locks and Latchsets
NOTE: Most forced entry resistant door assemblies
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