shall be the same or equal in performance and number as the hardware used
on the tested door. Lock and hardware shall be provided by the
manufacturer as a complete assembly. Frames shall be furnished by the door
fabricator, with anchorage to wall construction completely specified as to
number of anchors, anchor size, material, and length.
Fire Rated Doors
Fire rated doors shall be provided at locations indicated. Door assemblies
shall comply with the forced entry test standard specified and shall bear
the listing identification label of the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. or
a nationally recognized testing laboratory that is qualified to perform
tests of fire door assemblies in accordance with UL 10B, and that has a
listing service for the tested assemblies. Door assemblies include door,
hardware, frame, closers, and glazing. A certificate indicating that the
units were inspected in accordance with NFPA 80 and NFPA 80Amay be
furnished in lieu of label. For oversized doors, a certificate from
Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. or a nationally recognized testing
laboratory may be furnished in lieu of label. The certificate shall state
that oversized doors are manufactured in compliance with the requirements
for doors of the type and fire rating class. Manufacturer's descriptive
data shall be submitted.
Sound Rated Doors
Sound rated doors shall be provided at locations indicated. Door
assemblies shall comply with the forced entry test standard specified and
shall consist of door, hardware, frame, threshold, and adjustable gaskets.
The assembly shall have a laboratory Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating
[of [_____]] [as indicated] when tested in accordance with ASTM E 90.
Manufacturer's descriptive data, test report, and certification of the test
report showing compliance with the specified requirements shall be
Door and Frame Fabrication
The subsurfaces shall be flat, parallel, and plumb after fabrication. Doors
shall be reinforced [and fully insulated] in accordance with manufacturer's
design. Door frames shall be anchored as specified by the door
manufacturer. The Contractor shall coordinate the door manufacturer's
requirements for welding to wall reinforcement or casting frame embedments
into wall before wall is placed. Steel door frames shall be mitered or
coped and welded at the corners with welds ground smooth. Where
structural channel frames are used the size, weight, stops, welding, and
anchorage into surrounding construction must be specified and tested along
with the door as an assembly. Any necessary reinforcements in the door and
the frame shall be made in the factory. Door and frame shall be drilled
and tapped as required for the specified hardware. Frame channels shall be
mitered or coped and welded at corners with full penetration groove welds.
Exposed welds shall be dressed smooth. Hollow metal doors and frames shall
be manufactured in accordance with NAAMM HMMA 801, NAAMM HMMA 802, NAAMM
HMMA 810, and NAAMM HMMA 820 as a standard of quality, and shall meet the
specified forced entry testing standard.
Sidelight Frames and Door Glazing
NOTE: Designers should avoid sidelights because
they make the door assembly more susceptible to
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