The hazard of designing a project without a recent
inspection is that there is little way of knowing
the condition of the coating system, or the steel
surfaces, without competent inspection. It is not
always cost effective to replace the entire coating
system in a fuel tank, however, this is the tendency
in preparing a design without inspection results.
Do not provide general overcoat to a fuel tank
lining unless recommended in a CCS to add corrosion
protection. Provide complete removal and
replacement, or repairs to existing, as deemed
appropriate. Overcoating the interior of a tank is
generally a liability unless extraordinary measures
are taken to ensure adhesion to the old coating,
regardless of whether it is epoxy or urethane.
NOTE: Designers are encouraged to contact J. H.
Brandon, LANTNAVFACENGCOM 1613G, 757 322-4645, prior to beginning
a new Navy design.
NOTE: Designers are encouraged to contact the Air
Force Civil Engineering Corrosion Program Manager at
HQ AFCESA/CESM, 139 Barnes Drive, Ste 1, Tyndall
AFB, FL 32403, Tel 850-283-6217, prior to beginning
new Air Force design.
NOTE: Issue (date) of references included in
provided by the latest guide specification. Use of
SpecsIntact automated reference checking is
recommended for projects based on older guide
The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the
extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the
basic designation only.
API Std 650
(1998; A 2001) Welded Steel Tanks for Oil
API Std 653
(2001; A 2003) Tank Inspection, Repair,
Alteration, and Reconstruction
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