square inch.
Finished Pile Yarn Weight: Minimum [_____] kg per square meter
ounces per square yard. This does not include weight of backings.
Weight shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 5848.
NOTE: Yarn weight must meet project criteria and
Pile Density:
Minimum [_____].
Dye Method: [Solution dyed] [Stock dyed] [Yarn (or Skein) dyed]
[Piece dyed] [Space dye] [Continuous dye].
Backing Materials: Primary backing materials shall be [those
customarily used and accepted by the trade for each type of
carpet] [polypropylene] [synthetic material] [synthetic material]
[rubber] [_____]. Secondary backing to suit project requirements
shall be those customarily used and accepted by the trade for each
type of carpet, except when a special unitary back designed for
gluedown is provided.
Attached Cushion: Attached cushion shall be [chemically frothed
polyurethane with minimum weight of 0.610 kg/sq. m 18 oz/sq. yard,
minimum density of 176 kg/cubic m 11 lb/cubic foot] [mechanically
frothed polyurethane with minimum weight of 0.745 kg/sq. m 22
oz/sq. yard, minimum density of 224 kg/cubic m 14 lb/cubic foot,
minimum thickness of 2.5 mm 0.100 inch, and maximum compression
resistance of 34.5 kPa 5 psi, and compression set of 15 percent in
accordance with ASTM D 3676] [[ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA)]
[polyvinyl chloride (PVC)] with minimum weight of 0.95 kg/sq. m 28
oz/sq. yard, minimum thickness of 3.8 mm 0.150 inch, and minimum
density of 240.3 kg/cubic m 15 lb/cubic foot and a maximum
compression set of 15 percent in accordance with ASTM D 1667].
Maximum ash content shall not exceed 50 percent when tested in
accordance with ASTM D 297. Cushion shall pass accelerated aging
test in accordance with [ASTM D 3676] [ASTM D 1667].
Recycle Efforts: [Use of polyester carpet fiber face,
polyethylene terephthalate resin] [Use of carpet cushion
containing recovered materials] [Use of nylon carpet with backing
containing recovered carpet] [Use of nylon fiber with 25 per cent
minimum recycled content] [Use of reconditioned nylon carpet].
NOTE: Consider selecting multiple recycle effort
options to prevent the specification from being
proprietary as appropriate on a project per project
Carpet shall comply with the following:
Carpet Construction: [Tufted] [Woven] [Bonded] [Needlebond]
[Needle Felt] [_____].
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