partitions. Where heavy loads such as wall hung
cabinets, counters or hospital TV sets are
indicated, the partitions must be strengthened to
support the applied loads.
ASTM C 754. Space framing at 400mm16 inches on center maximum.
Partitions shall support applied loads such as cabinets and counters
without exceeding the permitted deflection.
Partition Framing System
Metal non-load bearing framing and furring system shall be capable of
carrying a transverse load of 24 ksm 5 psf without exceeding either the
allowable stress or a deflection of L/240. Provide studs of 0.45 mm 0.0179
inch minimum thickness for partitions having the same material and the same
material thickness on both sides. For partitions using 0.45 mm 0.0l79 inch
thick studs, the surfacing material shall cover the full height of the
partition on both sides, or the stud flange shall be otherwise supported to
insure rigidity. Provide studs of 0.84 mm 0.0329 inch minimum thickness
for partitions having different materials or different material thickness
on the two sides. At partition ends, corners, and intersections, and at
jambs of openings, fasten studs to runners with screws.
Special Framing
Build framing for beams, columns, soffits, and other special items to the
sizes, shapes, or forms indicated. Secure rigidly at each intersection
with wallboard screws.
Shaftwall Framing System
Shaftwalls shall be standard, tested designs. Metal framing shall be in
accordance with the shaftwall manufacturer's printed instructions.
Ceiling Openings
Provide support members at ceiling openings such as required for access
panels, recessed light fixtures, and for air supply or exhaust. Locate
support members of not less than 38 mm 1 1/2 inch main runner channels and
suspension wires or straps to provide at least the minimum support
specified herein for furring and wallboard attachment. Provide
intermediate structural members for attachment or suspension of support
Wall Openings
At wall openings the framing system shall provide for the installation and
anchorage of the required subframes or finish frames. Attach steel frames
securely through built-in anchors to the nearest stud on each side of the
opening with wallboard screws. Provide 0.84 mm 0.329 inch minimum
thickness double studs at both jambs of all doors openings. For doors over
1200 mm 4 feet wide, double doors, and for extra-heavy doors (such as x-ray
doors), provide doubled studs [_____] millimeters inches minimum thickness.
Spot grout door frames at the jamb anchor locations with joint compound
applied just prior to application of gypsum base.
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