usually extruded and most other metal shapes are
rolled-formed or brake-formed, the project drawings
and details must show the materials and shapes
desired. The Contractor should not be requested to
submit alternate bids or be allowed to substitute
one metal for another unless complete details are
shown for each type of metal components permitted.
Provide system complete with framing, mullions, trim, [framed pre-assembled
units,] panels, windows, glass, glazing, sealants, insulation, fasteners,
anchors, accessories, concealed auxiliary members, and attachment devices
for securing the wall to the structure as specified or indicated.
Curtain wall system components shall be furnished by one manufacturer or
fabricator; however, all components need not be products of the same
NOTE: Refer to AAMA Curtain Wall Design Guide
Manual "Testing, Types and Systems" for an
explanation of the various curtain wall systems. The
systems included in this guide specification are the
standard architectural type as opposed to custom
type. Generally the custom type of system is more
expensive and should only be considered for special
projects. When a system other than those listed is
required this paragraph must be adjusted accordingly.
[Stick system] [Unit system] [Unit and mullion system] [[_____] system]
with [mullions,] [horizontal rails,] [panels,] [window units,] [screens]
[framed pre-assembled units with [integral] [nonintegral] spandrel panels
adjacent to contiguous related work and insure materials compatibility,
deflection limitations, thermal movements, and clearances and tolerances as
indicated or specified.
Thermal Movement
NOTE: The ambient temperature range appropriate to
the geographic location of the project site should
be inserted.
Fabricate, assemble, and erect system with adequate allowances for
expansion and contraction of components and fastenings to prevent buckling
damage, joint seal failure, glass breakage, undue stress on fastenings or
other detrimental effects. For design purposes, base provisions for
thermal movement on assumed ambient temperature range of from [_____]
degrees C F to [_____] degrees C F.
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