listed (the whole skylight as a unit, not just a glazing material
in the unit) by the recognized building code authorities: ICBO and
SBCCI-Public Safety Testing and Evaluation Services Inc. Product
ratings determined using NFRC 100 and NFRC 200 shall be authorized
for certification and properly labeled by the manufacturer.
Documentation of manufacturer's and installer experience
indicating compliance with specified requirements.
The manufacturer shall be a company specializing in the manufacture of the
specified products with a minimum of [5] [10] years documented experience.
The installer shall have documented experience of [5] [_____] years minimum
performing the work specified.
System modules shall be factory assembled to the greatest extent possible.
Panels shall be shipped to the jobsite in rugged shipping units and shall
be ready for erection. All skylights shall have conspicuous decals affixed
warning individuals against sitting or stepping on the units. Skylight
panels shall be stored on the long edge, several mm inches above the
ground, blocked and under cover to prevent warping. Unit skylights shall
be delivered in manufacturer's original containers, dry, undamaged, with
seals and labels intact. All products shall be delivered, stored and
protected in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.
The Contractor shall provide to the Government the manufacturer's complete
warranty for materials, workmanship, and installation. The warranty shall
be for [5] [_____] years from the time of project completion and shall no
be prorated. The warranty shall guarantee, but shall not be limited to,
the following:
a. Light transmission and color of the panels shall not change
after [exposure to heat of 149 degrees C 300 degrees F for 25
minutes] [5-year exposure at a low angle of 5 degrees in South
b. There is no delamination of the panel affecting appearance,
performance, weatherability or structural integrity of the panels
or the completed system.
There is no fiberbloom on the panel face.
d. Change in light transmission of no more than 6% per ASTM D 1003,
and in color (yellowing index) no more than 10 points in
comparison to the original specified value over a 10 year period.
Before fabrication, a full service mock-up of [each type of skylight] [one
skylight unit] [_____] complete with glass and AAMA certification label for
structural purposes and NFRC temporary and Permanent Label for
certification of thermal performance rating shall be provided for review of
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