plaster are dry.
Replace defective or damaged windows.
NOTE: If window cleaning anchors are required, add:
"Window cleaning anchors to be stainless-steel,
conforming to ASME A39.1. Reinforce windows and
frames for reception of anchors, and securely anchor
window frames to wall construction for window
cleaning anchors."
NOTE: Where operating hardware is located 1980 mm 6
feet 6 inches or more above floor, specify poles and
pole-operated handles to operate windows.
NOTE: Show locations where storm units are to be
installed. Windows for equipment rooms, laundry
rooms, and similar spaces should not be provided
with storm units. Storm windows are not required
over double-glazed insulating type windows.
Specify window screens in medical facilities, food
preparation areas, dining areas, sleeping areas, and
similar locations. Locations should be shown.
Wood windows shall consist of complete units including sash, glass, frame,
weatherstripping, [insect screen,] and hardware. Window units shall meet
the Grade 40 requirements of AAMA 101, except maximum air infiltration
shall not exceed 0.00016 cu m per second 0.34 CFM per linear foot of sash
crack when tested under uniform static air pressure difference of 75 pascals
1.57 psf. In addition to general hardware requirements of AAMA 101,
provide hardware for various window types as indicated below. Glass and
glazing materials shall conform to Section 08800 GLAZING. [Storm windows
shall conform to Section 08582 ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS]. [Wood members
which will receive transparent finish shall be in one piece, not
Single-Hung and Double-Hung Windows
NOTE: Double-hung or single-hung windows should be
used for living quarters, where storm sash are to be
provided or window air-conditioners used.
Single-hung have less air leakage and should be
considered over double-hung where feasible.
Provide with one sash fastener and two sash lifts, except provide one sash
lift when window is fitted with a balance that counterbalances weight of
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