Fixed Windows
Aluminum fixed (F) windows shall conform to AAMA 101 [F-R15] [F-LC25]
[F-C30] [F-HC40] [F-AW40] type, non-operable glazed frame, complete with
provisions for reglazing in the field.
Horizontal-Sliding Windows
Aluminum horizontal (HS) sliding windows shall conform to AAMA 101 [HS-R15]
[HS-LC25] [HS-C30] [HS-HC40] [HS-AW40] type consisting of sliding sash and
fixed lite. Sash guides shall be nylon wheels. Windows shall be provided
Top-Hinged Windows
Aluminum top-hinged (TH) (in-swinging) windows shall conform to AAMA 101
[TH-C30] [TH-HC40] [TH-AW40] [TH-AW50] [TH-AW60] [_____] type consisting of
a ventilator hinged to the main frame at the head to swing into the room.
Hinges shall be [continuous applied type] [_____]. Holding devices shall
be [hold-open arms attached to frame and ventilator] [removable stay-bar
attached when ventilator is opened] to provide positive positioning of
jambs and sill [to secure the sash in the closed position] [_____].
Vertically/Horizontally Pivoted Windows
NOTE: Vertically/horizontally pivoted windows are
typically used only for multistory buildings with
year-round air-conditioning systems. This type of
window should not be used for buildings where window
washing can be accomplished more economically from
Aluminum vertically/horizontally pivoted (VP) windows shall conform to AAMA
101 [VP-R15] [VP-LC25] [VP-C30] [VP-HC40] [VP-AW40] [VP-AW50] [VP-AW60]
[_____] type consisting of a ventilator pivoted head and sill at the center
of main frame which can reverse or rotate a full 360 degrees around the
vertical axis, and be opened and held at 180 degrees. Pivot assemblies
shall be designed to allow for removal of ventilator and provide for smooth
operation of ventilator. Pivot assembly and locks shall be stainless
steel, manganese bronze, aluminum alloy or other material compatible with
aluminum. Pivot pins shall be stainless steel. Windows shall be provided
with devices to secure the sash in the closed position. Vertically pivoted
sash shall be [key-controlled to rotate 360 degrees in either direction,
automatically locking at each 180 degree intervals] [_____]. Locks shall
be [key-operated] [_____] removable only when the lock is in the locked
Weatherstripping for ventilating sections shall be of type designed to meet
water penetration and air infiltration requirements specified in this
section in accordance with AAMA 101, and shall be manufactured of material
compatible with aluminum and resistant to weather. Weatherstrips shall be
factory-applied and easily replaced in the field. Neoprene or
polyvinylchloride weatherstripping are not acceptable where exposed to
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