jamb for each additional 760 mm 2.5 feet or fraction thereof.
Masonry: Provide anchors of corrugated or perforated steel straps
or 5 mm 3/16 inch diameter steel wire, adjustable or T-shaped;
Stud partitions: Weld or otherwise securely fasten anchors to
backs of frames. Design anchors to be fastened [to wood studs
with nails,] [to closed steel studs with sheet metal screws, and
to open steel studs by wiring or welding];
Completed openings: Secure frames to previously placed concrete
or masonry with expansion bolts in accordance with SDI 111-F; and
Solid plaster partitions: Secure anchors solidly to back of
frames and tie into the lath. Provide adjustable top strut
anchors on each side of frame for fastening to structural members
or ceiling construction above. Size and type of strut anchors
shall be as recommended by the frame manufacturer.
Floor Anchors
NOTE: Extension clips at bottom of frames are
usually required in locations where floor fill
occurs on top of structural slabs, and the metal
frames and partitions are installed before the fill
is placed. In such cases, the drawings or
specifications should indicate the distance required
between the rough slab and finished floor.
Provide floor anchors drilled for 10 mm 3/8 inch anchor bolts at bottom of
each jamb member. [Where floor fill occurs, terminate bottom of frames at
the indicated finished floor levels and support by adjustable extension
clips resting on and anchored to the structural slabs.]
NOTE: The hourly rating of fire doors, as
established by the National Fire Protection
Association, shall be indicated or specified for
each opening requiring labeled doors. When labeled
doors are necessary on both sides of a fire wall,
adequate details shall be provided. Labels cannot
be obtained for double-acting doors or for steel
angle frames. Metal frames to receive labeled wood
fire doors must also be labeled.
NFPA 80 [and] [NFPA 105] and this specification. The requirements of NFPA
80 [and] [NFPA 105] shall take precedence over details indicated or
Fire doors and frames shall bear the label of Underwriters Laboratories
(UL), Factory Mutual Engineering and Research (FM), or Warnock Hersey
International (WHI) attesting to the rating required. Testing shall be in
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