meets requirements specified under paragraph entitled
"Qualification of Manufacturer."
Qualification of Applicator
Certify that the applicator meets requirements specified under
paragraph entitled "Qualification of Applicator."
NOTE: Include bracketed requirement when hot-mopped
membranes are used or base sheets are hot-mopped to
non-nailable substrates.
bill of lading
Submit bill of lading when labels of asphalt containers do not
bear the flash point (FP), finished blowing temperature (FBT), and
equiviscous temperature (EVT).]
Wind Uplift Resistance classification, as applicable; G
Fire Resistance classification; G
Submit the roof system assembly [wind uplift and] fire rating
classification listings.
SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions
NOTE: Edit the manufacturers instructions
submission requirements as necessary for the system
specified. Include bracketed requirements only as
applicable to the system being specified (e.g.,
torch applied systems may not require asphalt in the
Modified Bitumen Membrane Application; G
Flashing; G
Temperature Limitations for Asphalt]
Cold Adhesive Applied Modified Bitumen Membrane; G
Base Sheet attachment, including pattern and frequency of
mechanical attachments required in field of roof, corners, and
perimeters to provide for the specified wind resistance.]
roof cement
Ventilating Base Sheets
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