ASTM C 1177/C 1177M, 0 Flame Spread and 0 Smoke Developed when tested in
accordance with ASTM E 84, 3450 kPa 500 psi, Class A, non-combustible,
[6][13][16] mm [1/4][1/2][5/8] inch thick, 1220 by 2440 mm 4 by 8 feet
board size.
NOTE: Where insulation is installed under roofing
that does not require hot asphalt and vapor retarder
is not required, delete asphalt, asphalt roof
cement, asphalt-saturated felt, asphalt-coated glass
felt, and asphalt primers. Always mechanically
secure first layer of insulation to steel decks.
For installation over steel and other decks not
requiring vapor retarders or where asphalt is not
used in installing insulation, specify only
mechanical fastening of insulation. Coordinate
requirements of this section with section specifying
the roofing.
Asphalt Primer
ASTM D 41.
ASTM D 312, Type III or IV. Asphalt flash point, finished blowing
temperature, and equiviscous temperature (EVT) for mop and for mechanical
spreader application shall be indicated on bills of lading or on individual
Asphalt Roof Cement
ASTM D 4586, Type I for horizontal surfaces and for surfaces sloped from 0
to 3 inches per foot, Type II for vertical and surfaces sloped more than 3
inches per foot.
Rosin-sized building paper or unsaturated felt weighing not less than 2.5
kilograms per 10 square meters 5 pounds per 100 square feet.
NOTE: Vapor retarder should be specified only where:
1. Outside, average January temperature is below 4
degrees C 40 degrees F, and expected winter interior
2. Roofing system will be subject to continuing
excessively high interior humidity; and
Results of detailed analysis indicate potential
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