Steel Coating
NOTE: Specify coated steel for most floor decks and
all roof decks. Use Z275 G90 galvanized coating or
galvalume ASTM A 792/A 792M for severe corrosive
conditions. Galvanize Z275 G90 deck used with
concrete or spray applied fire protection. Use Z180
G60 when severe conditions do not exist. Prime
painted, not coated, should be specified only for
low-budget jobs where deck is not critical. Include
sentence in brackets when applicable. Coordinate
cellular deck wire raceways with appropriate
sections in Division 16 and add information where
ASTM A 653/A 653M designation [Z275] [_____] [G90] [_____] galvanized, or
ASTM A 792/A 792M designation AZ165 AZ55, aluminum-zinc alloy. Apply
coating to both sides of sheet. [Coating for decking provided as wire
raceways shall conform to UL 209.]
Sound Absorbing Material
NOTE: Include requirements for acoustical steel
deck when required by the design, otherwise delete.
Acoustical steel deck is designed to serve as a
sound absorbing ceiling as well as a structural
deck. Acoustical noncellular steel roof deck is
identical in appearance to standard steel roof deck
(noncellular) except that the webs of the ribs are
perforated to receive fiber glass sound absorbing
material, in roll form, placed between the
perforated ribs. Acoustical noncellular roof deck
should not be used without modifying FM or UL
requirements for roof decks in Division 07.
Acoustical cellular steel deck is identical in
appearance to cellular steel deck, except that the
steel bottom plate (ceiling) is perforated. In
addition, acoustical deck serves as both a deck and
acoustical ceiling (in lieu of a separate finished
acoustical ceiling) where noise levels are to be
controlled. Include cover plates when cellular deck
is specified. Include 50 mm 2 inch end laps for
non-cellular deck.
Provide [glass fiber in roll or premolded form for acoustical noncellular
steel roof deck] [and] [glass fiber rigid strip for acoustical cellular
steel deck] in accordance with the manufacturer's standards.
Provide accessories of same material as deck, unless specified otherwise.
Provide manufacturer's standard type accessories, as specified.
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