Contractor. Brick shall be sampled and tested for efflorescence in
accordance with ASTM C 67 and the rating shall be: "not effloresced".
The Contractor shall submit details of cold-formed steel framing and
support around openings, including framing connections, steel lintels,
steel shelf angles, attachment to other building elements and bridging.
Drawings shall indicate thickness, material, dimensions, protective
coatings, and section properties of all steel lintels and shelf angles used
in exterior wall framing. Drawings shall also indicate size and type of
all fasteners including size and type of all welds. If the Contractor opts
to furnish inch-pound (IP) CMU products, drawings showing elevation of
walls exposed to view and indicating the location of all cut CMU products
shall be submitted for approval.
NOTE: Choose the veneer type or types (brick and/or
CMU) used on the project and revise the paragraphs
below as appropriate.
Face brick will be ASTM C 216 Type FBS, FBX or FBH.
Type FBS brick is for general use where a wider
color range and greater variation in sizes are
permitted. Type FBX is used where a high degree of
mechanical perfection, narrow color range and
minimum permissible variation in size are required.
Type FBA is selected to produce characteristic
architectural effects resulting from nonuniformity
in size color and texture of the individual units.
When a Type is not specified the requirements for
FBS govern.
The manufacturer's name and color number or color
range will be specified or indicated on the drawings
along with the following note: "Color(s) or color
range(s) indicated are for identification purposes
only and are not intended to limit selection of
similar color or color range from other
Architectural or decorative CMU is available in a
wide range of patterns and finishes, such as screen,
slump, scored, fluted, combed, and split face units.
Optional designs of "architectural" units will be
shown for competitive bidding purposes when certain
types are not locally available.
Modular masonry units shall be used whenever
possible. Masonry of other than normal modular
sizes are available and, if for architectural
reasons, other size masonry units are included in
the design, the paragraph will be modified as
necessary to specify the sizes selected.
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