Vertical joints shall be plumb from the top to the bottom of the
panel, and courses level. Except where stack-bond or other
special pattern is indicated, use running bond. Bond and
interlock each course at corners and intersections. Exposed tile
or masonry unit work shall be free from irregularities, waves,
depressions, or other defects of workmanship.
Windows, door frames, loose lintels and miscellaneous steel,
cabinets, mechanical and electrical work, expansion-joint
material, flashing, anchors, ties, and accessories shall be built
in as masonry work progresses. Fill spaces around metal door
frames solidly with mortar. Solidly bed built-ins in mortar or
Mix mortar in accordance with ASTM C 270. Mix mortar materials
for at least 3 minutes in a mechanical batch mixer, with the
minimum amount of water required to produce a working consistency.
Perform hand mixing, when permitted, in a tight mortar mixing box.
Mixing time shall be not less than required to reproduce results
obtained by machine mixing after the required amount of water has
been added.
Place mortar in final position within 2 1/4 hours after mixing.
Discard mortar not used within the specified time limit.
Tooled Joints
Except for joints to be sealed or raked, tool exposed joints to a dense
concave profile, with surface and edges compacted and sealed. Perform
tooling after joints are "thumbprint" hard.
Control Joints
Rake out joints to act as control joints to a depth of 13 mm 1/2 inch,
clean, and leave ready for filler and sealant.
Non-Staining Grouted Joints
Where non-staining joints are required or indicated, rake setting mortar to
the depth of 10 mm 3/8 inch and point the wall with a fine textured
non-staining grout containing hardening [and] [or] waterproofing agents.
Tool joints slightly concave, with glass or other non-staining tool to join
rounded block edge.
Other Work
Rake out exterior and interior joints between metal frames and masonry,
joints between mechanical equipment and masonry, and other joints as
indicated to the required depth and leave ready for sealant.
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