SD-05 Design Data
NOTE: Use this submittal on airfield projects and
on other projects where the total surface area to be
repaired exceeds 2 square meters 20 square feet.
SD-06 Test Reports
NOTE: Use this submittal on airfield projects,
projects involving pressure grouting of cracks, and
other projects where the total surface area to be
repaired exceeds 2 square meters 20 square feet.
Sieve analysis test for aggregate
Epoxy resin binder tests
Epoxy grout tests
SD-07 Certificates
NOTE: Use this submittal on small repair projects,
not requiring pressure grouting of cracks, whose
total surface area to be repaired does not exceed 2
square meters 20 square feet.
Epoxy resin binder
Epoxy grout
SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions
Epoxy repair material
Submit for mixing and applying.
Design Data
Submit, at least 15 days before work commences, a job-mix formula for each
use of [epoxy concrete] [epoxy mortar]. Test reports shall accompany the
mix design. Identify the proposed source of the materials and state the
proportions of aggregates and epoxy resin. When determining job mix, use
samples of materials to be used on the job.
Trial batches: Perform a minimum of three trial batchings in a
certified testing laboratory. Try different aggregate-resin
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