Clean and seal joints and cracks as specified in [_____].
Epoxy Mortar for Cracks and Saw Kerfs
Apply epoxy mortar to newly exposed loose and unsound materials. Prepare
surfaces by sandblasting, scarifying or waterblasting. Remove dust, dirt,
and loosely bonded material resulting from cleaning. Ensure surfaces are
dry before application of epoxy mortar.
Epoxy Grout for Cracks
Apply grout to newly exposed concrete free of loose and unsound materials.
Prepare surfaces by sandblasting, scarifying or waterblasting. Remove
dust, dirt, and loosely bonded material resulting from cleaning. Ensure
surfaces are dry before application of epoxy grout.
Make batches small enough to ensure placement before binder sets.
materials in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.
Epoxy Concrete
NOTE: Do not place epoxy concrete in layers greater
than 25 mm one inch in thickness. This is to avoid
heat buildup and subsequent thermal contraction.
Prime dry cavity surfaces with epoxy resin using a stiff bristle brush.
Make coating approximately 0.5 mm 20 mils thick. Place epoxy concrete
while primer is still tacky and in layers not exceeding one inch thick.
Use vibratory floats, plates, or hand tampers to consolidate the concrete.
Level each layer and screed the final surface to match the adjoining
surfaces. Remove excess epoxy concrete on adjacent surfaces before the
concrete hardens. Do not feather epoxy concrete out onto adjacent surfaces.
Epoxy Mortar
Prime surfaces with epoxy resin binder. Scrub prime coat into surface with
a stiff bristle brush. Make coating approximately 0.5 mm 20 mils thick.
Place epoxy mortar while primer is still tacky. Apply at a thickness
recommended by the manufacturer. Work mortar into place and consolidate
thoroughly so that contact surfaces are wetted by the mortar. Finish
surface of mortar to the required texture. Do not feather edge epoxy
mortar onto adjacent surfaces.
Non-Pressure Epoxy Grout
Cementing Dowels
Immediately prior to placing the dowel, clean hole of dust and other
deleterious material with a high pressure air hose. Fill hole halfway with
grout. Insert dowel in hole by rotating it at least one complete turn
while tapping it down. If necessary add more grout to fill hole.
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