b. Corrective Action - The placing foreman shall not permit placing to
begin until he has verified that an adequate number of vibrators,
spreaders, and compactors in working order and with competent operators
are available. Placing shall not be continued if any conventional
concrete is inadequately consolidated or if any lift of RCC is not
fully compacted. Additional compaction, if necessary, shall be
performed in accordance with paragraph ADDITIONAL COMPACTION. If any
batch of conventional concrete fails to meet the temperature
requirements, immediate steps shall be taken to improve temperature
a. Vibrator Testing and Use - The frequency and amplitude of each
vibrator shall be determined in accordance with COE CRD-C 521prior to
initial use and at least once a month when concrete is being placed.
Additional tests shall be made as directed when a vibrator does not
appear to be adequately consolidating the concrete. The frequency
shall be determined while the vibrator is operating in concrete with
the tachometer being held against the upper end of the vibrator head
while almost submerged and just before the vibrator is withdrawn from
the concrete. The amplitude shall be determined with the head
vibrating in air. Two measurements shall be taken, one near the tip
and another near the upper end of the vibrator head, and these results
averaged. The make, model, type, and size of the vibrator and
frequency and amplitude results shall be reported in writing. In
addition, the self-propelled vibratory rollers, as specified in PART 2,
paragraph PRIMARY ROLLERS, shall be checked for frequency and amplitude
prior to use and once every 3 months when RCC is being placed.
b. Vibrator Corrective Action - Any vibrator not meeting the
requirements of paragraph VIBRATORS shall be immediately removed from
service and repaired or replaced.
Curing Inspection
a. Moist Curing Inspections - At least twice each shift, and twice per
day on nonwork days an inspection shall be made of all areas subject to
moist curing. The surface moisture condition shall be noted and
b. Moist Curing Corrective Action - When a daily inspection report
lists an area of inadequate curing, immediate corrective action shall
be taken, and the required curing period for those areas shall be
extended by one day.
Cold-Weather and Hot-Weather Protection
At least once each shift and once per day on nonwork days an inspection
shall be made of all areas subject to cold-weather or hot-weather
protection. Any deficiencies shall be noted, corrected, and reported.
Cold-Weather and Hot-Weather Protection Corrective Action
When a daily inspection report lists deficiencies, the deficiency shall be
corrected immediately and the period of protection extended for one day.
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