lime-pozzolan strength requirements and other physical and chemical and
uniformity requirements for which tests can be completed by the time
the 7-day lime-pozzolan strength test is completed. Release for
shipment and approval for use on the above basis will be contingent on
continuing compliance with the other requirements of the
specifications. If a bin fails, the contents may be resampled and
tested at the Contractor's expense. In this event, the pozzolan may be
sampled as it is loaded into cars, trucks, or barges provided they are
kept at the source until released for shipment. Unsealing and
resealing of bins and sealing of shipping conveyances will be by or
under the supervision of the Government. Shipping conveyances will not
be accepted at the site of the work unless received with all seals
intact. If pozzolan is damaged in shipment, handling, or storage, it
shall be promptly removed from the site of the work. Pozzolan that has
not been used within 6 months after testing shall be retested at the
expense of the Contractor when directed by the Contracting Officer and
shall be rejected if the test results are not satisfactory. If tested
pozzolan is rehandled at transfer points, the extra cost of inspection
shall be at the Contractor's expense. The cost of testing excess
pozzolan shall be at the Contractor's expense at a rate of [_____]
cents per ton. The amount will be deducted from payment to the
Concrete Tests
The Government will sample and test concrete to determine compliance with
the specifications. The Contractor shall provide facilities and labor as
necessary for procurement of representative test samples. Concrete will be
sampled in accordance with ASTM C 172. Slump and air content will be
determined in accordance with ASTM C 143/C 143M and ASTM C 231,
respectively. Compression test specimens will be made and laboratory cured
in accordance with ASTM C 31/C 31M, and compression test specimens tested
in accordance with ASTM C 39/C 39M, but results will be used only for
determination of the uniformity of the mixture produced.
Cementitious Materials
NOTE: See the appropriate DM to select the proper
requirements for the Cementitious Materials Options.
Other cementitious materials may be added if
specifically recommended and approved in the
concrete materials DM.
Cementitious Materials shall be portland cement or portland cement in
combination with pozzolan or GGBFS [or [_____]] and shall conform to
appropriate specifications listed below.
Portland Cement
ASTM C 150, Type I or II, except that the maximum amount of C3A in Type I
cement shall be 15 percent [including the heat of hydration at 7 days]
[including false set requirements] [low alkali when used with aggregates
listed at the end of this section which require it]. [In lieu of
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