Concrete Placement and Compaction
Submit technical literature for equipment and methods proposed for
use in placing concrete. Include pumping or conveying equipment
including type, size and material for pipe, valve characteristics,
and the maximum length and height concrete will be pumped. No
adjustments shall be made to the mixture design to facilitate
Submit technical literature for equipment and methods proposed for
vibrating and compacting concrete. Submittal shall include
technical literature describing the equipment including vibrator
diameter, length, frequency, amplitude, centrifugal force, and
manufacturer's description of the radius of influence under load.
Where flat work is to be cast, provide similar information
relative to the proposed compacting screed or other method to
ensure dense placement.
Silica Fume Manufacturer's Supplier Representative
Provide statement that the manufacturer's supplier representative will be
present at batch plant to ensure proper mixture, including high range water
reducer, and batching methods. [Representative to attend and advise at
finishing of sample slab.]
NOTE: Coordinate with Section 01450, "Quality
Develop and submit for approval a quality control plan in accordance with
the guidelines of ACI 121R and as specified herein. The plan shall include
plans for the concrete supplier, the reinforcing steel supplier, and
installer. Maintain a copy of ACI SP-15 and CRSI Manual of Practice at the
project site.
Field Testing Technician and Testing Agency
Submit data on qualifications of proposed testing agency and technicians
for approval by the Contracting Officer prior to performing any work.
Work on concrete under this contract shall be performed by an ACI
Concrete Field Testing Technician Grade 1 or Grade 2 qualified in
accordance with ACI SP-299 or equivalent. Equivalent
performance examinations as stipulated in ACI SP-299.
Testing agencies that perform testing services on reinforcing
steel shall meet the requirements of ASTM E 329.
Testing agencies that perform testing services on concrete
materials shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 1077.
Mixture Designs
Provide a detailed report of materials and methods used, test results, and
the field test strength (fcr) for marine concrete required to meet
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