Biodegradable Form Release Agent]
VOC Content for form release agents and curing compounds]
Accomplish work in accordance with ACI publications except as modified
herein. Consider the advisory or recommended provisions to be mandatory,
as though the word "shall" had been substituted for the words "should" or
"could" or "may," wherever they appear. Interpret reference to the
"Building Official," the "Structural Engineer," and the
"Architect/Engineer" to mean the Contracting Officer.
Do not deliver concrete until vapor barrier, forms, reinforcement, embedded
items, and chamfer strips are in place and ready for concrete placement.
ACI 301 for job site storage of materials. Protect materials from
contaminants such as grease, oil, and dirt. Ensure materials can be
accurately identified after bundles are broken and tags removed.
Store reinforcement of different sizes and shapes in separate piles or
racks raised above the ground [to avoid excessive rusting]. Protect from
contaminants such as grease, oil, and dirt. Ensure bar sizes can be
accurately identified after bundles are broken and tags removed.
Epoxy Coated Reinforcing Steel
Record coating lot on each shipping notice and carefully identify and retag
bar bundles from bending plant. Provide systems for handling coated bars
which have padded contact areas, nylon slings, etc., all free of dirt and
grit. Lift bundled coated bars with strong back, multiple supports, or
platform bridge to prevent sagging and abrasion. Bundling bands shall be
padded where in contact with bars. Do not drop or drag bars or bundles.
Store coated bars both in shop and in field, aboveground, on wooden or
padded cribbing. Space the dunnage close enough to prevent excessive sags.
Stack large quantities of straight bars with adequate protective blocking
between layers. Schedule deliveries of epoxy coated bars to the job site
weather. Bars to be stored longer than 12 hours at the job site shall be
covered with opaque polyethylene sheeting or other suitable equivalent
protective material.
Design Data
Formwork Calculations
ACI 347R. Include design calculations indicating arrangement of forms,
sizes and grades of supports (lumber), panels, and related components.
Furnish drawings and calculations of shoring and reshoring methods proposed
for floor and roof slabs, spandrel beams, and other horizontal concrete
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