the solution shall be 1.0 kg two pounds of silicofluoride to each 4 liters
gallon of water. Floor should be mopped with clear water shortly after the
preceding application has dried to remove encrusted salts. Proprietary
hardeners shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions. During application, area should be well ventilated.
Precautions shall be taken when applying silicofluorides due to the
toxicity of the salts. Any compound that contacts glass or aluminum should
be immediately removed with clear water.
NOTE: Edit bracketed statements and use these
paragraphs only when minor amounts of specified
items are required in the project. Remove affected
paragraph when pertinent Section (Ex: 02751
CURBS AND GUTTERS) is included in the contract.
Pavements shall be constructed where shown on the drawings. After forms
are set and underlying material prepared as specified, the concrete shall
be placed uniformly throughout the area and thoroughly vibrated. As soon
as placed and vibrated, the concrete shall be struck off and screeded to
the crown and cross section and to such elevation above grade that when
consolidated and finished, the surface of the pavement will be at the
required elevation. The entire surface shall be tamped with the strike
off, or consolidated with a vibrating screed, and this operation continued
until the required compaction and reduction of internal and surface voids
are accomplished. Care shall be taken to prevent bringing excess paste to
the surface. Immediately following the final consolidation of the surface,
the pavement shall be floated longitudinally from bridges resting on the
side forms and spanning but not touching the concrete. If necessary,
additional concrete shall be placed and screeded, and the float operated
until a satisfactory surface has been produced. The floating operation
shall be advanced not more than half the length of the float and then
continued over the new and previously floated surfaces. After finishing is
completed but while the concrete is still plastic, minor irregularities and
score marks in the pavement surface shall be eliminated by means of
long-handled cutting straightedges. Straightedges shall be 3.75 m 12 feet
in length and shall be operated from the sides of the pavement and from
bridges. A straightedge operated from the side of the pavement shall be
equipped with a handle 1 m 3 feet longer than one-half the width of the
pavement. The surface shall then be tested for trueness with a 3.75 12 foot
straightedge held in successive positions parallel and at right angles to
the center line of the pavement, and the whole area covered as necessary to
detect variations. The straightedge shall be advanced along the pavement
in successive stages of not more than one-half the length of the
straightedge. Depressions shall be immediately filled with freshly mixed
concrete, struck off, consolidated, and refinished. Projections above the
required elevation shall also be struck off and refinished. The
straightedge testing and finishing shall continue until the entire surface
of the concrete is true. Before the surface sheen has disappeared and well
before the concrete becomes nonplastic, the surface of the pavement shall
be given a nonslip sandy surface texture by [belting with approved "belt"
and procedures] [use of a burlap drag. A strip of clean, wet burlap from
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