slabs and abrasive aggregate for interior slabs, but
such policy is not definite. Edit bracketed items
as appropriate. Delete these paragraphs when
Non-Slip Finish is not required.
Non-slip floors shall be constructed in accordance with the following
[Areas as indicated on the drawings] [The following areas [_____]] shall be
given a broomed finish. After floating, the surface shall be lightly steel
troweled, and then carefully scored by pulling a [hair] [coarse fiber]
push-type broom across the surface. Brooming shall be transverse to
traffic or at right angles to the slope of the slab. After the end of the
curing period, the surface shall be vigorously broomed with a coarse fiber
broom to remove all loose or semi-detached particles.
Abrasive Aggregate
[Areas as indicated on the drawings] [The following areas [_____]] shall be
given an abrasive aggregate finish. The concrete surface shall be given a
float finish. Abrasive aggregate shall then immediately be uniformly
sprinkled over the floated surface at a total rate of not less than 1.25 kg
per square meter 0.25 psf spread in two applications at right angles to
each other. The surface shall then be troweled to a smooth, even finish
that is uniform in texture and appearance and free from blemishes including
trowels marks. Immediately after curing, cement paste and laitance
covering the abrasive aggregate shall be removed by steel brushing, rubbing
with abrasive stone, or sandblasting to expose the abrasive particles.
Dry Shake Finish
NOTE: If the drawings do not indicate the areas to
receive a dry shake finish, they must be specified
here. When dry shake finish is required, add to
paragraph Technical Service for Specialized Concrete
a requirement that a manufacturer's representative
be present during use of dry shake finish.
[Areas as indicated on the drawings] [The following areas [_____]] shall be
constructed with a dry shake finish. [Dry shake floor armoring topping]
[Dry shake conductive and spark resistant floor topping] [Dry shake
non-metallic, light reflective floor topping] shall be used to surface the
floor. The base slab shall be constructed and the dry shake material
applied in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions, which
shall be furnished by the Contractor. The dry shake material shall be
applied in a two-stage application. Total application shall be at the rate
recommended by the manufacturer but at a rate not less than 7.5 kg per
square meter 1.5 psf. The first application shall be at the rate of
two-thirds of the total and shall be applied immediately following floating
of total area. The dry shake material shall first be applied to the
floated concrete adjacent to forms, entryways, columns, and walls where
moisture will be lost first. Dry shake material shall be distributed
evenly using an approved mechanical spreader. The material shall not be
hand thrown on the surface. Finishing machines with float shoes shall be
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