simultaneous tightening and revibrating the form during hardening to ensure
a tight fit for the repair. The form shall be removed after 24 hours and
immediately the chimney shall be carefully chipped away to avoid breaking
concrete out of the repair; the surface of the repair concrete shall be
dressed as required.
Resinous and Latex Material Repair
NOTE: The portland cement type repairs specified
above are considered appropriate for usual repairs.
The designer should use the materials specified
herein only if there is a record of previous
successful use or if the use has been discussed in
detail with the Waterways Experiment Station
(CEWES-SL-EP). Additional requirements for their
use must be added. Color match may be a problem
with this type of repair.
In lieu of the portland cement [bonding coats specified above, an epoxy
above, an epoxy resin mortar based on epoxy resin or a mortar based on
latex bonding agent may be used in the following specific locations
[_____].] The following additional requirements shall be met in the use of
these materials [_____].
NOTE: Type of finish of unformed surfaces should be
indicated on the drawings. If not on the drawings,
it must be specified here. Correlate this paragraph
with paragraph Tolerances in PART 1 and ACI 117.
The finish of all unformed surfaces shall meet the requirements of
paragraph Tolerances in PART 1, when tested as specified herein.
The ambient temperature of spaces adjacent to unformed surfaces being
finished and of the base on which concrete will be placed shall be not less
than 10 degrees C 50 degrees F. In hot weather all requirements of
paragraphs Hot Weather Requirements and Prevention of Plastic Shrinkage
Cracking shall be met. Unformed surfaces that are not to be covered by
additional concrete or backfill shall have a float finish, with additional
finishing as specified below, and shall be true to the elevation shown on
the drawings. Surfaces to receive additional concrete or backfill shall be
brought to the elevation shown on the drawings, properly consolidated, and
left true and regular. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, exterior
surfaces shall be sloped for drainage, as directed. Where drains are
provided, interior floors shall be evenly sloped to the drains. Joints
shall be carefully made with a jointing or edging tool. The finished
surfaces shall be protected from stains or abrasions. Grate tampers or
"jitterbugs" shall not be used for any surfaces. The dusting of surfaces
with dry cement or other materials or the addition of any water during
finishing shall not be permitted. If bleedwater is present prior to
finishing, the excess water shall be carefully dragged off or removed by
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