Architectural and Special Finishes
NOTE: The specification writer must ensure that any
areas to receive architectural and special finishes
are indicated on the drawings or specified in
or herein. Where these paragraphs require a finish
to match a sample panel on display during the
bidding period, the specification writer must ensure
that such panel is fabricated and displayed. When
considered appropriate, require a test panel to be
fabricated for approval before start of construction.
Architectural concrete finishes are specified in Section 03330
CAST-IN-PLACE ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE. Special finishes shall conform to
the requirements specified herein.
Smooth Finish
After other concrete construction is complete in each overall separate
contiguous area of the structure, smooth finish shall be applied to [the
areas indicated on the drawings] [the following areas, [_____]]. A mortar
mix consisting of one part portland cement and two parts well-graded sand
passing a 0.6 mm No. 30 sieve, with water added to give the consistency of
thick paint, shall be used. Where the finished surface will not receive
other applied surface, white cement shall be used to replace part of the
job cement to produce an approved color, which shall be uniform throughout
the surfaces of the structure. After the surface has been thoroughly
wetted and allowed to approach surface dryness, the mortar shall be
vigorously applied to the area by clean burlap pads or by cork or
wood-floating, to completely fill all surface voids. Excess grout shall be
scraped off with a trowel. As soon as it can be accomplished without
pulling the mortar from the voids, the area shall be rubbed with burlap
pads having on their surface the same sand-cement mix specified above but
without any mixing water, until all of the visible grout film is removed.
The burlap pads used for this operation shall be stretched tightly around a
board to prevent dishing the mortar in the voids. The finish of any area
shall be completed in the same day, and the limits of a finished area shall
be made at natural breaks in the surface. The surface shall be
continuously moist cured for 48 hours commencing immediately after
the surface shall be not less than 10 degrees C 50 degrees F for 24 hours
prior to, and 48 hours after, the application. In hot, dry weather the
smooth finish shall be applied in shaded areas or at night, and shall never
be applied when there is significant hot, dry wind.
Exposed Coarse-Aggregate Finish
Coarse aggregate shall consist of [_____] material, shall meet the
specified quality requirements, and shall have a grading as follows:
[_____]. Coarse aggregate shall be exposed by an approved method. The
finish shall be similar to and shall closely match the finish on the sample
panel put on display during the bidding period, and the finish on the
approved preconstruction test panel fabricated by the Contractor.
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