Treatment of Exposed Surfaces
For metal-oxidizing nonshrink grout, exposed surfaces shall be cut back 25
mm 1 inch and immediately covered with a parge coat of mortar consisting of
1 part portland cement and 2-1/2 parts fine aggregate by weight, with
sufficient water to make a plastic mixture. The parge coat shall have a
smooth finish. For other mortars or grouts, exposed surfaces shall have a
smooth-dense finish and be left untreated. Curing shall comply with
NOTE: For non-critical small projects, less than
1200 cubic meters (1500 cu. yd.) of concrete, the
designer may reduce, but not eliminate, the
requirements of this paragraph, and edit it
Otherwise, retain complete.
The Contractor shall perform the inspection and tests described below and,
based upon the results of these inspections and tests, shall take the
action required and shall submit specified reports. When, in the opinion
of the Contracting Officer, the concreting operation is out of control,
concrete placement shall cease and the operation shall be corrected. The
C 1077. Materials may be subjected to check testing by the Government from
samples obtained at the manufacturer, at transfer points, or at the project
site. The Government will inspect the laboratory, equipment, and test
procedures prior to start of concreting operations and at least once per
[_____] thereafter for conformance with ASTM C 1077.
Grading and Corrective Action
Fine Aggregate
At least once during each shift when the concrete plant is operating, there
shall be one sieve analysis and fineness modulus determination in
accordance with ASTM C 136 and COE CRD-C 104 for the fine aggregate or for
each fine aggregate if it is batched in more than one size or
classification. The location at which samples are taken may be selected by
the Contractor as the most advantageous for control. However, the
Contractor is responsible for delivering fine aggregate to the mixer within
specification limits. When the amount passing on any sieve is outside the
specification limits, the fine aggregate shall be immediately resampled and
retested. If there is another failure on any sieve, the fact shall
immediately reported to the Contracting Officer, concreting shall be
stopped, and immediate steps taken to correct the grading.
Coarse Aggregate
At least once during each shift in which the concrete plant is operating,
there shall be a sieve analysis in accordance with ASTM C 136 for each size
of coarse aggregate. The location at which samples are taken may be
However, the Contractor shall be responsible for delivering the aggregate
to the mixer within specification limits. A test record of samples of
aggregate taken at the same locations shall show the results of the current
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