manufacturer. "Lumiplate" as manufactured by ChemRex, a subsidiary of
Master Builder Technologies and "Diamond Plate" as manufactured by The
Euclid Chemical Company comply with these specifications. The hardener
shall be proportioned and sealed in standard moisture-resistant bags. The
manufacturer shall guarantee their aggregate to be free of rust, corrosive
materials, oil, petroleum, or other water-base materials, when delivered.
The manufacturer shall replace any material found to contain any such
materials, or any other material which is deemed unsatisfactory. The
manufacturer shall provide a full-time technical representative, qualified
in designing and adjusting concrete mixes, to assist in the application of
the aggregate surface hardener system.
A mono molecular surface evaporation retardant film, as recommended by ACI
305R and ACI 308R, shall be provided for use under drying conditions, due
to high concrete and/or ambient temperatures, low humidity, high winds, and
so forth. This includes work in heated interiors during cold weather, to
aid in the maintaining of concrete moisture during the early placement
stages of plastic concrete. Retarder shall be certified by the
manufacturer to be compatible with the surface hardener and shall be
provided in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Curing and sealing materials and procedures shall be as recommended by the
manufacturer of the aggregate surface hardener system and shall comply with
ASTM C 309 or ASTM C 1315.
For concrete placement, refer to Section 03300N CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE in
addition to items required by this section and the following:
Maximum slump shall be 127 mm5 inches, when peak ambient
temperatures are anticipated to be in excess of 18.33 degrees
Celsius65 degrees Fahrenheit, and shall be no greater than 96.2 mm
4 inches, when such temperatures are below 29.4 degrees Celsius85
degrees Fahrenheit. Water reducing admixtures can be used to aid
in workability without affecting dry shake hardener.
Maximum total air content shall not exceed 3 percent.
Calcium chloride or set accelerating admixtures, containing
calcium chloride, shall not be used.
Water-reducing admixture shall be used. Provider must certify
that the water reducer will not contribute to or cause increased
air content.
Place base slab between screed points to minimize handling. Move concrete
into place with square-tapped shovels; do not use rakes. Vibrators, when
used, shall be inserted and withdrawn vertically. Concrete shall be struck
to the specified level. Concrete shall be further leveled and consolidated
with wood bull float or wood darby. This shall be completed before free
moisture rises to the surface (bleeding).
Floating shall begin adjacent
to columns, forms, and walls
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